Join our quarterly Book Group to read and discuss The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones. Building on the award-winning work of The New York Times Magazine’s "1619 Project", this new book weaves together essays, poems, and works of fiction that explore the legacy of slavery in present-day America and illuminate key moments of oppression, struggle, and resistance.
Our special guest speaker, Professor Anthony Cook of Georgetown Law, will offer reflections to help us think critically as we explore the implications of The 1619 Project for our aspirations to close the racial wealth gap in the Greater Washington region. Professor Cook is one of the founding stakeholders in the Critical Race Theory movement, teaches courses on Race and Democracy, and is the founder of the Georgetown Coalition for Racial Equity and Democratic Economy (CREDE) that focuses on building reparative and sustainable economies to close the racial wealth gap.
This quarterly Book Group series is designed as a space to foster growth, learning, and collaborative action among our donors and community partners of all races, places, and identities. We hope to promote courageous conversations as we come together to explore and reimagine the issues affecting the quality of life in our communities.
Our goal is to inspire and motivate our community as we work together towards creating a racially equitable, just, and thriving region where everyone prospers.
We hope you’ll join us!