Deepening Our Impact: 8 Highlights from the Past Year

Along with the release of our annual report, we’re celebrating our most impactful stories from the past year--from helping launch the Black Voices for Black Justice DMV Fellowship, continuing our work to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, to advancing housing justice in partnership with Flock DC’s birdSEED Fund. Read on for stories of meaningful collaboration and coordination that helped make a difference in our community. 

Uniting for Change

We believe true change rises from strong alliances. We’re proud to share stories about how our community partnerships have helped make a difference.


Introducing the Black Voices for Black Justice DMV Fellows

Launched last fall (2020) in partnership with the DC-based nonprofit GOODProjects, and with seed funding from Bridge Alliance Education Fund, the Black Voices for Black Justice DMV Fellowship supports activists, organizers, and leaders who are on the front lines of advancing social justice and racial equity. Each Fellow received a $30,000 grant to support their racial justice work in our region, and beyond. Meet these inspiring change-makers, and learn what fuels their fight for justice.


DC Cares Program: $5M Undocumented Workers Relief Package

Thousands of immigrants in Greater Washington were excluded from federal stimulus efforts due to their documentation status. Together with our partners at Events DC and the Executive Office of the Mayor, we launched the DC Cares Program in summer 2020, disbursing a total of $5 million in direct cash assistance to excluded workers experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. In January 2021, we launched Phase II of the program, providing over $8 million in relief funding.

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$1 Million Arts Forward Fund

In partnership with the Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation and eight other funders, we launched Arts Forward Fund to provide critical support to local arts and culture organizations impacted by COVID-19. In October 2020, we awarded over $1 million in grants to 43 arts organizations. Currently, we’re reviewing a second round of proposals, supported by a generous $1 million gift from MacKenzie Scott.

Investing for Impact 

Learn about some of our most impactful investments this year.

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Legacy Fund for Small Business Development

Seeded with a $1 million gift from a generous donor, the Legacy Fund for Small Business Development provides critically needed access to capital for small businesses in Prince George’s County. It’s part of our work in Prince George’s County’s to advance equity and economic mobility by eliminating social and economic disparities in the County. In November, we awarded relief funding to 173 small businesses in Prince George’s County to help minimize business closures and retain 650 jobs.

“Ninety-five percent of all businesses in [Prince George’s County] are small businesses and they contribute nearly half of all jobs in the county. Through the Legacy Fund, we hope to preserve the small business infrastructure, ensure job retention, drive economic development, and enable the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next, leaving a lasting legacy for families and Prince George’s County.” --Tonia Wellons, President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation.

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Fund for Children, Youth, and Families Awards $1.99 Million

At the end of last year, the Fund for Children, Youth, and Families (FFCYF)awarded nearly $2 million in grants to 49 nonprofits serving disadvantaged children, youth, and families. Local WDVM covered the announcement, highlighting the investment’s focus on closing the achievement gap, supporting children in foster care, and helping families experiencing homelessness.

Jana-Lynn Louis, Community Foundation program officer for FFCYF, said:  “It’s all about supporting where our region needs help the most and trying to fill in those gaps that often fall by the wayside.”

Community Connections

Oftentimes, it's our staff and partners who say it best. These guest posts highlight different voices and perspectives in our community on the issues that matter most.


How to reconstruct an equitable future for our region

How can we reconstruct an equitable future for our region coming out of the COVID-19 crisis? In an opinion piece for the Washington Post, our CEO Tonia Wellons and Ursula Wright explore a new framework to respond to emerging needs, re-engage our community, and reconstruct and shape a new normal for this region.


Flock DC: Down payment Grants for a more just future

BirdSEED Fund, launched in partnership with local real estate firm Flock DC, helps advance housing justice by providing down payment grants for first-time Black and Brown home buyers. In her guest-authored blog, Flock DC founder and CEO Lisa Wise shares her passion for justice and why she believes it’s crucial we work together to reimagine a more equitable future.


Food for Montgomery: A Community-Wide Response to the Rise in Hunger

As our community’s need for food skyrocketed during 2020, our Montgomery County leaders, community stakeholders, and The Community Foundation teamed up to create Food for Montgomery. Anna Hargrave, Executive Director for Montgomery County, shares how this remarkable public-private partnership is helping prevent food insecurity in the County, and ensure no residents go hungry.

Hungry for other Community Foundation impact stories? Check out ‘A Year of Impact: Our Top 10 Stories of 2020,’ published as an annual wrap-up last December. 

Eviction Prevention: Working Across Sectors to Ensure an Equitable Recovery

By Jennifer Olney, Community Investment Officer, Partnership to End Homelessness

Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the long-standing housing crisis and inequities in our country, and even right here in DC. Thousands of tenants in the city are behind on rent and at imminent risk of eviction. Currently, both DC and the federal government have eviction moratoriums in place to protect tenants while they apply for available resources and supports. Unfortunately, those protections are already starting to phase out and evictions in DC are set to resume in October.

The Community Foundation has a long history of supporting housing justice and working to end homelessness in DC. Addressing inequities and supporting our community is at the center of our mission and housing justice is a key component of our work through the Partnership to End Homelessness.

In 2020, the COVID-19 crisis led us to take swift action to address the growing concern for tenants falling behind on rent and at risk of losing their housing in the middle of a global health pandemic.

Even with federal and local eviction moratoriums in place, tenants faced mounting back rent and the severity of the situation continued to threaten the lives and livelihoods of our neighbors. In DC, tens of thousands of households fell behind on rent and we knew that many would be at risk of homelessness if they were evicted.  

In order to prevent a large wave of evictions and increases in homelessness, we convened a group of key partners, including the DC Bar Foundation, for weekly discussions to identify strategic opportunities for private sector investments amid a rapidly changing environment. This group met regularly with our government partners and other nonprofit partners working on the ground to coordinate our learning and response strategies.

From the beginning, our work has focused on creating more equitable outcomes for our Black and Latinx neighbors disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, the economic crisis, and the ongoing housing crisis in the city. Even before the pandemic, 87% of extremely low-income, severely rent-burdened households in DC were headed by a person of color. According to a 2021 report by the Urban Institute, the risk of evictions is greater for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx residents. Almost one in two Hispanic/Latinx renters and more than one in four Black renters were worried about paying next month’s rent.

Through our conversations with partners and by examining new research and data, we identified two key areas for private sector investment that would lead to more equitable access to rental assistance resources.

  1. Support outreach to target communities most at risk of eviction. Using the Urban Institute Emergency Rental Assistance Prioritization Tool we identified areas of the city that had high risk of housing instability; high impact from COVID-19; and a high share of Black, Indigenous, and Latinx renters, extremely low-income renter households, households receiving public assistance, and people born outside of the US. 

  2. Support trusted partners to answer questions and provide support. Many tenants have questions and need assistance to complete the rental assistance application for government resources. Our partners on the ground are critical to the effort to support tenants and share essential information about emergency rental assistance, legal services, and other available resources.

In response, we invested in Housing Counseling Services (HCS) to help tenants apply for rental assistance by meeting them where they live, learn, pray, and play. At these key locations, HCS is providing outreach and assistance to households behind on rent and most at risk of eviction and homelessness. HCS is also providing support in court to help tenants who face evictions apply for assistance.

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We know that our resources are limited and that in order to address the eviction crisis and prevent homelessness, we need everyone working together to create long-term solutions. In June 2021, we were invited to participate in a White House Eviction Prevention Summit as the philanthropic representative from DC. At that summit, we heard Matthew Desmond talk about the devastating impact of evictions and successful diversion efforts across the country. We also heard from leaders in the federal government who were committed to working with communities to help prevent evictions. After meeting with the DC delegation and discussing local opportunities, we agreed to continue convening the group along with our partners at the DC Bar Foundation.

Since the White House Summit, the members of the DC delegation have been meeting weekly to discuss challenges and identify opportunities. This group is comprised of over 65 representatives from nonprofits, tenant advocates, local government agencies, the courts, landlords/housing providers, and philanthropy. Our immediate goal is to prevent evictions by increasing rental assistance to target at risk households and to strengthen legal supports, services, and mediation with the court system.

We have an unprecedented opportunity to support a more equitable recovery and to increase housing stability given the availability of federal resources and this strong partnership with federal government. We have the right people around the table and know that in addition to preventing the immediate eviction crisis, we also have an opportunity to create systems and policies that are more equitable and that ultimately lead to greater housing stability in DC.

If you are interested in this work, please contact Jennifer Olney at [email protected] or Silvana Straw at [email protected].

Stop the Violence: Responding to our Community's Spike in Gun Violence

By Jamie McCrary

Last July 4, as DC’s annual fireworks display burst over the National Mall, an 11-year-old boy lost his life.

Davon McNeal, who was visiting family in Anacostia, was fatally struck by a bullet in crossfire from a neighborhood shooting. He was coming from a Stop the Violence cookout that his mother, who works as a city violence interrupter, helped organize. Davon was shot as he stepped from their car. 

"This is ridiculous," John Ayala, Davon’s grandfather, told National Public Radio. “Our babies are being gunned down. This has got to stop."

Davon McNeal

Davon McNeal

Davon was one of at least six children killed by gun violence across the country that weekend, and one of four killed in DC during the first few days of July 2020. This aligns with an alarming trend seen in 2020, which, according to the Gun Violence Archive, was the deadliest year for gun violence in two decades. 

COVID-19, which confined many to already volatile home and neighborhood environments, helped fuel this uptick in violence. The country’s largest cities, like Atlanta or Los Angeles, suffered the highest spike, at 30%. And like COVID-19 itself, this has disproportionately affected our nation’s Black and Brown communities. 

This spring, DC residents Mary Grace and Al Rook leveraged philanthropy to respond. The couple was deeply troubled by this spike in violence in our community. As a magistrate judge for DC’s Superior Court, Mary Grace has seen the impact of violence on children and families, and felt she needed to do something. 

After consulting Crystal McNeal, Davon’s mother, the Rooks founded the Davon McNeal Memorial Fund at the Greater Washington Community Foundation. Established in April 2021, the Fund aims to give at-risk youth in Wards 7 and 8 a respite from potential violence through pro-social programs in sports, the arts, and education. The Rooks hope this Memorial Fund will also help to increase awareness about community violence, which Al says is lacking, due in part to “a real dichotomy between one side of the river and the other,” which ultimately fuels this violence. 

“Mary Grace and I believe that our community can step up and help to provide support and resources that will create safe and healing spaces for kids,” Al says. “The constant exposure to violence and resulting trauma that [these] young children face impacts them in so many ways.”

The Davon McNeal Memorial Fund builds on a history at The Community Foundation of addressing violence in the Greater Washington region. From 2013-2018, we administered the City Fund, established with DC government to invest $15 million in programs focused on reducing incidents of violent crime, and combating domestic violence and human trafficking. More recently, we partnered with the Public Welfare Foundation on the DC Fund for Just and Peaceful Neighborhoods, which supported nonprofits working to transform the criminal justice system and implementing violence intervention and prevention services in DC.

Other efforts include supporting the implementation of a pilot program targeting a small set of District neighborhoods using the Cure Violence Methodology, partnering with the City on The Navy Yard Relief Fund in 2013, and, most recently, becoming the fiscal sponsor to the Peace for DC Fund. Peace for DC will build community capacity and fund evidence-based gun violence intervention solutions to drastically reduce DC homicides over the next 5 years—and help bring racial and economic justice to DC’s most under-resourced communities.

We’re proud to support these anti-violence efforts as they continue. However—it is important that we also acknowledge that this violence derives from a longer and more protracted history that is embedded in American culture. 

Systemic racism, disinvestment, economic exclusion and other social determinants reside at the heart of generations of targeted violence against BIPOC communities. Our will and capacity to address these issues will directly impact our collective efforts to eradicate this kind and all forms of violence from our city. In the face of these challenges we remain committed to finding real solutions and mobilizing our community to support those most affected by this public crisis. 

A little over a year has passed since Davon McNeal lost his life, and while the pain of this loss ensues, so does our hope for a brighter future. We hope you’ll join us in honoring his legacy and re-imaging our community as a place free from the painful binds of violence and trauma. 

For more information on The Community Foundation’s anti-violence initiatives and impact funds, visit

Introducing Our New Advisory Board Members

The Greater Washington Community Foundation welcomes Anna Behnam, Christopher J. Martin, and Ana Morales to its Montgomery County Advisory Board, and Glenda Wilson to its Prince George’s County Advisory Board. 

These individuals join a diverse group of passionate and dedicated advisory board members. They, along with their colleagues, are responsible for advising The Community Foundation on the challenges and opportunities specific to their respective counties, and sharing their knowledge on issues of community leadership for greater impact.

Meet our Newest Montgomery County Advisory Board Members


Anna Behnam
Behnam & Associates

Anna has worked 22 years in the financial advisory business and is the managing director and active financial advisor with Behnam & Associates. Anna is an active member of The Greater Bethesda Chamber of Commerce. She has co-chaired committees such as the Chamber’s annual gala, The Big Event and is currently the Chair of the Board of Directors. Anna is also a member of the Chamber’s Elite Forum Club. In addition to the BCC Chamber, she has served on the board of Coral Reef CPR and Dast2Dast.

Anna graduated from George Mason University with a B.S. in Accounting and a B.A. in Biology. She also has a Certificate in Financial Planning from Georgetown University. Anna lives in Bethesda with her husband, and two children. Her family puts great emphasis on charitable actions and giving back to the community. In her spare time, Anna enjoys photography, painting and reading.

Christopher J. Martin
C. J. Martin Law Group

Christopher J. Martin is a seasoned attorney, experienced in helping individuals, families and small business owners with their legacy planning needs. Chris works closely with his clients to create and implement plans to benefit their families and communities through various methods including both lifetime gifting and postmortem wealth transfers. In addition to his work with individual clients, Chris regularly speaks to both public and private organizations and has contributed to numerous publications including articles for the National Business Institute and The Business Monthly.

Formerly, Chris worked for a boutique estate planning firm in Montgomery County, Maryland, overseeing a variety of estate planning and probate matters and managed a solo estate planning practice. Chris also had the pleasure of serving as a law clerk for the Honorable Sheila R. Tillerson Adams, Chief Administrative Judge for the 7th Circuit of Maryland.

Chris earned his law degree from Howard University School of Law, and his undergraduate degree from Saint Louis University, from which he graduated magna cum laude and was on the Dean’s List.

Ana Morales
United Bank

Ana is Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Commercial Services at United Bank. Her Team is responsible for driving commercial deposit growth throughout United Bank’s footprint, which comprises of 223 offices across Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio. Ana has been in the financial industry for 22 years and has worked in various areas of banking, including International Banking, Private Banking, Retail Management and Treasury Sales.

Ana serves on the Board of Directors for NAMI-MC (National Alliance on Mental Illness – Montgomery County) and the Catholic Business Network of Montgomery County. She collaborates with Catholic Charities’ Financial Stability Network to organize financial literacy workshops in Spanish, and volunteers as a financial mentor. Ana previously served on the Board of Cornerstone Montgomery and Liberty’s Promise. She also served on the Business Engagement Committee for Imagination Stage.

Ana was born in Guatemala and moved to Montgomery County with her parents and 3 sisters when she was 9 years old. She lives in Kensington with her husband, daughter, and English Bulldog.

“Anna, Chris, and Ana share our commitment toward building thriving communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive,” says Anna Hargrave, Executive Director for Montgomery County at The Community Foundation. “We are thrilled they will bring their knowledge, creative thinking, and community leadership experience to the Advisory Board as we seek to help our community rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic and build a stronger, more equitable Montgomery County for the future.”

Meet our Newest Prince George’s County Advisory Board Member

Glenda Moore Wilson
Vice President, LEARN Foundation

Ms. Glenda Moore Wilson has been in service to Prince George’s County for over three decades.  She was appointed Chief of Staff, in 2011, by Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker, III.  She guided and facilitated the implementation of the Baker Administration’s vision and mission in the core areas of economic development, public safety, education, and healthcare. Ms. Wilson was a pivotal team member in the development of the unprecedented Prince George’s and MGM Community Benefit Agreement associated with the $1.2 billion MGM National Harbor Casino Project.  

Previously, Ms. Wilson served as Senior Advisor and Chief of Staff during the administration of Wayne K. Curry, the County’s first African American elected County Executive. During that eight-year tenure, she played a critical role in Mr. Curry’s transformative accomplishments that turned Prince George’s County into a regional economic hub.  

Ms. Wilson is actively engaged in the county, but she has an unparalleled dedication to the LEARN Foundation, established during the Curry Administration as part of the Redskins Stadium project to relocate the team to Prince George’s County. The LEARN Foundation awards scholarships to youth in the stadium impact zone and grants to nonprofit organizations serving the impact area.

Ms. Wilson is a graduate of South Carolina State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. She is the recipient of numerous awards and a member of Leadership Greater Washington.

“Glenda shares our deep commitment to improving the quality of life for Prince George’s County residents. Her work very much aligns with our goals to increase philanthropy and ensure equity and economic mobility,” says Amina Anderson, senior director for Prince George’s County at The Community Foundation. “We are grateful that she continues to serve the county in a myriad of ways and honored that she has chosen to work with The Community Foundation. We look forward to partnering with Glenda to ensure that each and every Prince Georgian has an opportunity to achieve their full potential.”

Greater Washington Community Foundation Awards Over $330,000 in COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Grants

Ten Local Nonprofits Receiving Support to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Mental Health, Food Access, and Reopening Schools

The Greater Washington Community Foundation is proud to announce an additional $337,000 in relief and recovery grants from the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund. Since March 2020, The Community Foundation has raised and distributed more than $11 million for coordinated emergency response and recovery efforts. These rapid response grants have helped local nonprofits to expand critical services, ensure continuity of operations, transition to virtual service delivery, and counteract lost revenue due to closures or event cancellations. 

The Community Foundation established the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to lead a coordinated regional philanthropic response to the pandemic and resulting economic crisis. Together with our peers in philanthropy, this effort focused on addressing urgent needs and reaching adversely affected communities, especially low-income households and communities of color who have been disproportionately impacted by this crisis.

As we continue responding to urgent needs while fostering an equitable recovery, The Community Foundation’s new round of funding will make investments in 10 nonprofits working across four priority areas:

Supporting efforts to overcome vaccine hesitancy and to open vaccination sites in impacted communities:

  • Family & Medical Counseling will receive $15,000 to support COVID-19 testing and vaccination targeting residents of DC and Prince George's County, especially those living in Ward 7 and 8 and in the southern areas of Prince George's County.

  • La Clinica del Pueblo will receive $15,000 to support COVID-19 testing and vaccination targeting majority Latinx communities in DC and Prince George's County.

  • Latin American Youth Center will receive $27,000 to support engagement and outreach efforts to disseminate information on combating spread of COVID-19 and testing and vaccination options to increase the vaccination rate among Black and Latino populations in the region.

  • Mary’s Center will receive $50,000 to replicate its mobile vaccine clinics, currently serving disproportionately impacted communities in DC, and expand into Montgomery County and Prince George’s County with a focus on hard-to-reach populations.

Addressing the mental health needs of frontline workers:

  • Wendt Center for Loss and Healing will receive $85,000 to provide emotional support sessions (workshops and process groups) for frontline professionals and social services nonprofits whose staff members have been deeply impacted by COVID-19.

Advancing efforts to increase food access:

  • DC Hunger Solutions and Maryland Hunger Solutions will receive $40,000 to deliver critical outreach to prospective and eligible SNAP participants, provide technical assistance on school meal programs, offer education and training, and advance advocacy campaigns to increase access to federal nutrition programs.

  • The Mid-Atlantic Food Resilience and Access Coalition (MAFRAC) will receive $45,000 to extend its local food mini-grant program to resource BIPOC-led organizations with funds to purchase food through MAFRAC’s extended network of local food producers, including a number of Black-owned farms.

Ensuring an equitable and safe return to school:

  • Community Youth Advance will receive $25,000 to recruit, onboard, and train mentors for 25 students to work on a pathway for re-engagement in school, as part of a partnership with PGCPS and the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER) focused on re-engaging at-risk and chronically absent high school students.

  • DC Action for Children will receive $35,000 to support building strong partnerships between schools and Out of School Time programs to ensure an equitable and safe return to school and advocate for access to high quality learning opportunities beyond the school day that prepare DC’s youth for success in education, careers, and life.

“Due to the deep pre-existing inequities that have been exacerbated by COVID-19, we know that many communities in our region are still struggling—and will be for some time,” said Benton Murphy, Senior Adviser for Impact at the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “As our region’s crisis response leader, The Community Foundation and our partners will continue to respond to the critical needs of our community as we work towards building an equitable recovery and future for our region.”

The COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund was established on March 12, 2020 with support from nearly 1,500 foundations, corporations, and individuals/families. A list of the major partners and contributors to the Fund can be found here.

More than 1,600 nonprofits applied for a total of $60 million in grants – approximately six times the amount of funds raised to date. The Fund has provided support to 300 nonprofits providing food, shelter, educational supports, legal aid, and other vital services to our neighbors facing hardships due to COVID-19. Over half of all recipient organizations are led by people of color. A list of nonprofit partners can be found here.

How Intersectionality Fuels My Activism

By Nora Olagbaju (she/her/hers), LGBTQ+ Fellow

Growing up in a Nigerian home as a lesbian, I often had to grapple with my own identity. Knowing that it was unsafe to be myself on the land of my ancestors still is a painful reality that I have come to terms with. Fortunately, my parents are both activists who encouraged me, from a young age, to advocate for myself and my community.

As early as high school, I was active in the community, interviewing people all over the DC area at the intersections of many avenues of oppression. Many of the topics that came up included issues like violence against the LGBTQ+ community, mental health disparities, unemployment, housing inequality and homelessness—issues that align with many of the priorities at The Community Foundation.

More and more, I see how social issues like these are interconnected. For example, did you know that almost half of the youth experiencing homelessness in DC identify as LGBTQ+? According to Maggie Riden, who runs the DC Alliance of Youth Advocates, many more are at risk of winding up on the streets, too.

This is a perfect example of intersectionality, which I define as the unique challenges or discrimination one can feel as it relates to overlapping aspects of their identity and position within society. Intersectionality is deeply intertwined with the LGBTQ+ work we do at The Community Foundation because understanding these intersections helps better shape our priorities and navigate next steps. 

As the LGBTQ+ Fellow at The Community Foundation, I’m thankful for the opportunity to help address some of these inequalities. Our recent work with direct cash transfer programs, which provide immediate financial aid to those in need, and budget advocacy, to help increase funding and support for organizations, will have a direct impact on a vast portion of the community that is often overlooked. It is our hope that by advocating for LGBTQ+-focused or serving organizations, we can empower them to fight discrimination, and address intersectional issues like homelessness.

Outside of The Community Foundation, as a Howard University student who has grown up in the DC area, I feel a need to make sure that students are providing support to DC advocacy  organizations. In my junior year, I joined the Coalition of Activist Students Celebrating the Acceptance of Diversity and Equality (CASCADE) as the deputy director of community service. Now, I serve on the Advancing Black Strategists Initiative advisory board, which aims to provide a network to amplify black strategists’ voices and power, while also providing leadership resources. My experience has been rewarding and healing, as I’ve been able to connect with like-minded people. 

My identity and lived experiences have made me an advocate both by necessity and passion. As a Black lesbian woman, I am more likely to experience violence, poverty, homelessness, and discrimination just for being who I am. I have seen the growth of my city while simultaneously seeing many of the people who have made a home here for generations being pushed out. I have seen the deep need for support of the LGBTQ+ youth in DC.

I’m excited to be working to help The Community Foundation emphasize intersectionality through its LGBTQ+-focused work. As we celebrate Pride Month, it is inspiring to see how far we’ve come--and it motivates me to continue to do the work that is needed. 


About Nora Olagbaju

Nora Olagbaju is the LGBTQ+ fellow at The Community Foundation. She is currently a Senior at Howard University where she is pursuing a degree in political science and African studies. Her lived experience as a Black and lesbian woman has driven her advocacy within her community.

Changing Hearts and Minds: What Inspires Trustee Catherine Pino’s LGBTQ+ Advocacy

In honor of Pride Month, we sat down with Trustee Catherine Pino, co-founder of D&P Creative Strategies and one of our newest board members. Along with her wife Ingrid, Catherine has dedicated her life and her work to advocating for change in LGBTQ+ communities across the nation. As a Latina, she’s especially passionate about building bridges between Latino and LGBTQ+ communities.

Read on for our in-depth conversation with Catherine on her LGBTQ+ advocacy, and why intersectionality and authentic community listening are essential for meaningful change.

Community Foundation: You’re a co-founder of D&P Creative Strategies, a DC-based strategic consulting firm focused on inclusive and equitable advocacy. What initially inspired you to co-found D&P? 

Catherine Pino: I have to say that it was really our love and desire to change the world. [My wife] Ingrid and I wanted to build a bridge between the Latino and LGBTQ+ communities. We knew there was a great deal of homophobia within the Latino community, and we felt compelled to try and change that narrative. We wanted to create an entity that would allow us to work on various of projects and issues. We were really adamant about being out and open about our love and who we were.

CF: In what ways have you seen these values show up in your work at D&P and beyond?

CP: Ingrid and I both have this sense of responsibility to improve conditions for marginalized [populations]. We always have the interests of the communities we represent at the forefront of our work to ensure they aren’t left behind. Our passion for what we do shows up in a variety of ways, including when we advise corporate executives on diversity, equity, and inclusion and corporate giving strategies. It also shows up in our advocacy on Capitol Hill. 

It shows up in our film work, which we describe as a labor of love. We've produced six documentaries for HBO and PBS on identity. People telling their stories helps change hearts and minds.

Another way these values show up is through our political work. In 2008, Ingrid and I created PODER PAC, a political action committee dedicated to supporting Latina candidates as they run for Congress. After Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic primary, we created the PAC after traveling around the country as surrogates and meeting all these incredible Latinas who shared stories with us about how difficult it was to secure the resources they needed to run for office. 

CF: You’ve done a lot of work in the LGBTQ+ space through an intersectionality lens, especially through your work on the Board of the Arcus Foundation. Can you tell us about some of the LGBTQ+ projects or initiatives you’ve spearheaded that have stuck with you? Why?

CP: One of my favorite projects of all time is Familia es Familia—Family is Family. We created a national education campaign to work on anti-bullying discrimination, family unity, and gay marriage. When we worked on this—before marriage equality—there was a lot of distrust between mainstream LGBTQ+ groups and Latinos. Many felt that Latinos and Blacks were more likely than whites to oppose same-sex marriage. Ingrid and I felt strongly that if we shared stories of LGBTQ+ Latinos, our family members and community members would be more accepting.

We were able to garner the support of over 25 national Hispanic organizations and partners, and created strong allies. We traveled across the country to various Hispanic conferences, held workshops, and talked to Latinos about our community. And we created lots of online resources, including videos of celebrity LGBTQ+ couples talking about anti-bullying and discrimination. 

This campaign was highly instrumental in changing hearts and minds about acceptance of LGBTQ+ family members and, frankly, about marriage within the Latino community. It was beautiful to see how the Latino community grew and came around on many of these issues. 

CF: Based on this work, how would you define “intersectionality?” 

CP: Intersectionality really challenges us to look at how intersecting social identity, particularly minority identities, relates to systems and structures, inequity, and discrimination. It helps us make sense of how race, class, ethnicity, socioeconomic standing, gender, religion, and so much more can overlap and affect how others perceive you. 

Take me, for instance. I’m Latina, a woman, and a lesbian raised by a single mom in a very low income, conservative Catholic family. Intersectionality is the way all of our multiple identities and dimensions intersect and, at least for me, embracing them.  

CF: In what ways might we leverage this approach to create change for our LGBTQ+ neighbors in our region? 

CP: Intersectionality means listening to others, examining our own privilege, and asking questions about who may be excluded or affected by our work. It means taking measurable action by intentionally including other voices and acknowledging the contributions of marginalized individuals. We must recognize that there are multiple forms of systemic discrimination or barriers to opportunity and multiple forms of prejudice that prevent LGBTQ+ people of color from being successful.

As a community foundation, the most important thing we can do is listen and respect the voices of those impacted by issues, be inclusive, and invite people into discussions to incorporate different perspectives. 

CF Why did you decide to join The Community Foundation’s board? 

CP: Most of my foundation experience has been at the national level, so I was genuinely excited to join an organization focused on local issues. I honestly believe that community foundations play a critical role in engaging the community, building community capacity, expanding financial capital, and educating the public about philanthropy. There isn’t always an understanding of the importance of giving, especially in minority communities. Ingrid and I try to do as much as we can to educate our communities about the importance of philanthropy. I believe that if you educate young people about philanthropy and about giving back early on, it will help become part of their world throughout their lives.

CF: Finally, what do you think lies ahead for us in terms of LGBTQ+ rights, and social justice—as a region and a nation?  

CP: I still really believe we need the Equality Act. Many states don't have laws to protect people who are vulnerable to discrimination in key areas of life. I'm also really concerned about the anti-trans legislation popping up and in various states across the country. It’s been a record-breaking year for anti-trans legislation. 

We need to be fierce advocates for trans and LGBTQ+ rights, especially for young youth of color. The Trevor Project recently published their annual survey on LGBTQ+ youth mental health, and 52% of all transgender and nonbinary young people reported seriously contemplating suicide in 2020. We’re just losing too many of our LGBTQ+ young people, and it breaks my heart. It’s really critical to provide mentorship and leadership for future generations.

Empowering Change: Investing in our LGBTQ+ Communities

By Benton Murphy, Senior Advisor, Impact

Benton Murphy

Benton Murphy

Pride Month presents an opportunity to celebrate how far we have come as a nation in fostering safer, more secure and welcoming communities for LGBTQ+ people. This was not the case when I came out in the 1990’s in rural Colorado. At the time, the murder of Matthew Shepard was still fresh in our minds, and we faced efforts like Colorado’s notorious Amendment 2, that would have barred the state from protecting gay and lesbian people from discriminations.

Like so many others in the LGBTQ+ community, it was hard for me to come out in the face of a hostile community. I came out in high school and faced a lot of bullying, violence and trauma, but I never looked back, because living out and proud is the only way I can be.

With the passage of the Marriage Equality Act and the wind-down of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, our country has made progress. In 1996 when the Supreme Court struck down Amendment 2, only 27% of Americans supported marriage equality. Today, more than 70% of Americans support it. But there is still much work to do, even in a place as diverse and open-minded as our region.

In Greater Washington, more than 10% of residents identify as LGBTQ+, with nearly 20% of youth self-identifying as LGBTQ+. Our 2020 VoicesDMV Community Insights survey found that nearly one in 10 LGBTQ+ Greater Washington residents experience discrimination on a daily basis, as compared to just 2% of non-LGBTQ+ residents. Over the past year, a total of 55% of LGBTQ+ residents said they felt discriminated against. 

These are just a few of many reasons why, this month, we are proud to announce new investments in the LGBTQ+ community. Despite the concentration of LGBTQ+ people in our region, Greater Washington’s nonprofit support network for the LGBTQ+ community has been perpetually underfunded. While this is a national issue (only 28 cents of every $100 granted by philanthropies nationally support LGBTQ+ issues), local nonprofits supporting LGBTQ+ communities also compete for donor attention, especially with national advocacy groups located here in Washington. Over time, we hope to offer even more funding opportunities for local groups supporting local LGBTQ+ communities, especially BIPOC individuals.

I’m excited to announce these new investments in LGBTQ+-led and serving organizations working to improve the lives of our LGBTQ+ community. 

Investments include:

  • A $30,000 grant to SMYAL for leading a coalition of LGBTQ+ groups striving to ensure the District budget process sufficiently addresses and funds the community’s needs, including services for violence prevention, and housing for LGBTQ+ youth. Our grant is co-funded by our Partnership to End Homelessness in recognition of SMYAL’s advocacy efforts focused on housing and homelessness for youth.

  • A $20,000 grant to the Wanda Alston Foundation to support 21 youths who are experiencing homelessness. Alston’s Place is a transitional housing program for youth ages 18-24. Funds will be used to support emergency needs of program participants who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19, including updating legal documents, addressing physical and mental health needs, enrolling in continuing education programs, and securing steady employment. 

These investments were made using a participatory grantmaking approach. A majority BIPOC and entirely LGBTQ+ grants committee not only reviewed and scored applications, but also set our funding priorities. These are individuals who know the needs in our region well—and how COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted our LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities. In many places, the social safety net that helps LGBTQ+ people to access needed services, especially housing, is gone or severely disrupted.

I’m excited that The Community Foundation is prioritizing the opportunity to listen to the LGBTQ+ community, gain a better understanding of its needs, and make investments now and into the future! It’s both a professional and personal cause for me--one I’m excited and humbled to be part of helping lead. We’ve come a long way, and have a long way still to go. I hope you’ll join us.

A Drive for Justice: Local Asian Leaders Share Their Stories

Leading With Service

Trustee Veronica Jeon considers entrepreneurship—and service—core foundations of her career.

 “I am a product of entrepreneurial parents, [and] I’ve always played a part in giving back. I’ve been blessed and fortunate to do that in my community where I live, work, and play,” she says. 

As President and CEO of VSJ, Inc, a minority, woman-owned public relations and strategic communications firm, she serves clients across the nonprofit, corporate and government sectors. “Your success is our passion” is VSJ’s mission—a charge that also fulfills Veronica’s personal passion for service. 

Veronica also serves as the Chair of the Prince George’s County Advisory Board and as an executive committee member of our Emerging Leader’s Impact Fund in Prince George’s County, helping determine the focus of grantmaking and rallying resources to deepen impact in the County. 

In honor of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, she shares what inspires her to continue to serve in philanthropy in our region—especially in this pivotal moment in our nation’s history. 

“As we continue to emerge in Prince George’s County and beyond, I am committed to effectively grow the culture of philanthropy by advocating and leading initiatives; partnering to elevate and engage in philanthropy on all levels locally and regionally; and, mentoring the next generation of entrepreneurs and leaders,” says Veronica. “As a servant leader in this pivotal time in our nation’s history, I am of the belief that we all must lead in such a way to make others better as a result of our presence. And, in doing so, making sure that impact lasts in our absence.”

Empowering Others Towards Action

The Asian American Lead Youth Council, a group of high school and middle school AAPI youth who advocate for diversity and racial equity, is working hard to combat gentrification in DC’s Chinatown. A VoicesDMV Community Action Awards winner, the Council is leading efforts to uplift residents’ stories to raise awareness of the negative impacts of gentrification. Stories are shared on their project-dedicated website, and in their petitions for change to city leaders. 


“The main reasons that inspire me to continue to lead and invest in AAPI-focused work are the opportunities to inspire other scholars to fight for what they are passionate about and to spur change in my community,” says Maricarmen, AALEAD Youth Council member. “This work is so important because current social and political issues have created massive tension in communities, where voices are no longer heard. [It] allows the public to learn and spread awareness about the issue at hand.”

Through their work with Chinatown residents, youth leaders have developed meaningful, inter-generational relationships with community members. They’ve facilitated partnership conversations and presentations with groups, and had the opportunity to get to know those directly affected by Chinatown’s rising housing costs. 

“Something that inspires me to continue to lead and invest in this work is definitely my culture and background. Oftentimes Asian Americans in settings such as schools are seen as timid or not assuming of a leader. I aspire and live to prove that wrong. I want to be a role model and norm breaker for people out there and give my fellow Asian Americans inspiration as to what they can achieve even in a society filled with ignorance today.” – Jerry, AALEAD Youth Council member.

A Drive for Justice

The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) works to empower Koreans and Asian Americans as change-makers in their communities. Through expanding AAPI voting power; developing a new generation of youth and immigrant leaders; and building a sustainable movement organization, NAKASEC is forging a new future for Korean and Asian Americans.

As one of our Resilience Fund grantees, we were proud to partner with NAKASEC during the height of COVID-19 to help support individuals excluded from federal relief.

“Right now the spotlight is on AAPIs because of increased reporting of interpersonal discrimination, harassment violence towards AAPIs. None of this is new though to us. And while our communities are in focus - even for horrible reasons - this has created opportunities for AAPIs to re-assert belongingness, think about solutions to address the conditions behind the ‘anti-Asian hate,’ and expand the conversation to institutionalized oppression,” says Sookyung Oh, NAKASEC Director.

“People of Asian heritage have always played a central role in leading campaigns and movements for change in solidarity with others. I see this drive for justice among AAPIs who want to fight for change, but didn’t always have a political home or community to be grounded in. That’s what inspires me to lead NAKASEC Virginia. We want to be a place of connection and growth for AAPIs and this work is more important than ever.”

Celebrating Our Community Champions

On Thursday, May 20, 2021, our community came together for our virtual Celebration of Community Champions: an hour of inspiration to celebrate our collective efforts and impact this past year. Together, we recognized the everyday heroes - including the donors, nonprofit partners, corporate supporters, and local government advisors - who stepped up to help our community navigate COVID-19.

“This evening, I am delighted to celebrate and give special thanks to you, our Community Champions. With your support and partnership, we were able to fund 300 local nonprofits to weather this crisis - over half of which are BIPOC-led.” –Tonia Wellons, President and CEO

“At The Community Foundation, our work is transformative. And it would not be possible without you, our Community Champions.” -Katharine Weymouth, Board Chair

Honoring Our Community Champions

We were proud to honor four incredible Civic Heroes and our Collaborative, Corporate, and Community Heroes - local individuals and companies that have shown up for Greater Washington in exceptional ways.

Civic Heroes

These inspiring individuals have demonstrated outstanding civic leadership and service dedicated to improving the lives of Prince George’s County residents:

  • Dr. Monica Goldson, CEO of Prince George’s County Public Schools

  • Steve Proctor, President & CEO of G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc.

  • Dr. Alvin Thornton, former Chair of Prince George’s County Board of Education

  • Senator Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. (in memoriam)

Collaborative Hero: Food for Montgomery

Community Hero: Feed the Fight

A public-private effort to combat food insecurity in Montgomery County.

A volunteer-driven effort to support local restaurants while feeding frontline workers

Corporate Hero: CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield


For committing to distribute 1.6 million units of PPE at no-cost to nonprofit health centers and independent providers on the frontlines of the pandemic.


“I am incredibly grateful for all the work you’ve put into truly helping our community survive and thrive. Tonight is all about celebrating what we can accomplish together” -special guest Abby D. Phillip, Anchor & Senior Political Correspondent for CNN. 

Showcasing Local Talent

The Celebration also featured a cohort of renowned local artists, from four regional arts organizations supported by the Arts Forward Fund. These performers represent some of Greater Washington’s most impactful nonprofit arts organizations, including Arts on the Block, DC Jazz Festival, Joe’s Movement Emporium, and Synetic Theater. 

Arts on the Block: Young Artists from Youth Arts Movement

Students from AOB’s STEAM-centered visual arts program present and discuss their creative works.

DC Jazz Festival: Jazz Pianist Allyn Johnson & Friends

DC-born jazz pianist Allyn Johnson performs with longtime collaborators Herman Burney on bass Carroll V. Dashiell III on drums

Joe’s Movement Emporium: Sainey Ceesay, Youth Poet Laureate of Prince George’s County

Synetic Theater: ‘All the Word’s A Stage’

Sainey Ceesay performs her poem ‘Water,’ commenting today’s social and political climate. 

An excerpt of Synetic’s first film, featuring Scott Brown and Maryam Najafzada

Paying Tribute

The evening concluded with a heartfelt thank you from President and CEO Tonia Wellons to our Community Champions for joining the Celebration and for supporting our community throughout this truly unprecedented year. She offered a call to action for anyone who would like to continue partnering with The Community Foundation to support our community.


Want to catch the full evening? Watch the full event recording

Love and Activism: The Legacy of Diane Bernstein

Diane Bernstein was a champion for our community and a compassionate leader and activist. We were sad to hear of her passing on April 30, 2021.

A long-time member of The Community Foundation family, both as a board member and major donor, Diane began her decades-long relationship with us in the early ‘90s when she was invited to serve on the board by then Chair R. Robert Linowes. A deeply committed advocate for children for over 50 years, she chaired our grants and program committee, and supported the development of many youth and children-focused initiatives, including The Community Foundation’s first major initiative, The Circle of Hope. This violence prevention initiative focused on community organizing and advocacy, and increasing resources for youth and adults in the Barry Farms, Congress Heights, Columbia Heights and the Northwest One neighborhoods in Washington, DC.

In recent years, Diane and her family foundation, the Diane and Norman Bernstein Foundation, have generously supported the Partnership to End Homelessness, enhancing our efforts to bring deeply affordable and supportive housing to every ward of DC. Her support and advocacy have helped the most marginalized in our region, and allowed people experiencing homelessness to access critical services and safe, stable housing.

In addition to her six children and 12 grandchildren, Diane touched the lives of countless others:

“Diane took me under her wing 28 years ago when I was a new program officer at The Community Foundation. She became a mentor, close friend and was like a second mother to me. She taught me to trust my instincts and speak truth to power —how to use my voice on behalf of those whose voices are not being listened to,” said Silvana Straw, Senior Community Investment Officer and Philanthropic Advisor at the Greater Washington Community Foundation.

“She loved life. She was a nurturer and supported my work as a program officer and as an artist,” Silvana continues. “She was wise and brave. She was fun and funny as hell. I am blessed to have had her in my life.” 

Diane Bernstein will be missed by our community. Though she is no longer with us, her legacy will certainly continue—at The Community Foundation, and beyond.

Renowned Local Artists To Perform At Celebration Of Community Champions

We are thrilled to announce the cohort of renowned local artists, from four regional arts organizations, who will perform at our virtual Celebration of Community Champions on May 20. 

These performers work with some of Greater Washington’s most impactful nonprofit arts organizations, including Arts on the Block, DC Jazz Festival, Joe’s Movement Emporium, and Synetic Theater, which are supported by the Arts Forward Fund. Arts Forward Fund is a funder collaborative that provided over $1 million in emergency support to help arts and culture organizations struggling due to the pandemic.

Read on to learn more about our featured artists and organizations—and get a sneak-peak of their performances.

Arts on the Block:
Young Artists From Youth Arts Movement

Since 2003, Arts on the Block (AOB) has helped young people imagine and plan fulfilling lives and careers, join the creative workforce, and contribute to their own communities. AOB’s programs provide creative expression and learning, studio skills, job training, and career path support to young creatives who might not otherwise be introduced to art and design careers. 

For this special performance, several young artists from Youth Arts Movement (YAM), AOB’s STEAM-centered visual arts program, will present and discuss their creative works. The YAM program, conducted in both English and Spanish for students ages 4-13, provides an introductory experience in the elements of visual art. Projects are integrated with science and technology activities, allowing students to explore the creative connection between science and art.

DC Jazz Festival:
Jazz Pianist Allyn Johnson & Friends

DC Jazz Festival (DCJF) presents world-renowned and emerging jazz artists to audiences in Greater Washington, and beyond. Throughout the year, DCJF also advances music education by extending free educational programs to underserved neighborhoods in DC, and to DC public and charter school students. Signature programs include the annual DC JazzFest, slated for September 1-5 this year; the year-round DCJF Music Education Program; the Charles Fishman Embassy Series; and the DCJazzPrix competition. 

Allyn Johnson, jazz pianist

Allyn Johnson, jazz pianist

For the Celebration,  DC Jazz Festival will present Allyn Johnson, a DC-born jazz pianist, composer, arranger, and producer. He will be  joined by longtime collaborators Herman Burney on bass, and drummer Carroll V. Dashiell III.

Johnson is known for his trademark sound that gives brilliance, and fortitude, to the art of jazz improvisation. A protege of the late great jazz legend Calvin Jones, a venerable figure in the international jazz community, Johnson makes it his mantra to never rest on his laurels. He hopes to continue Jones' rich legacy of service, musicianship and academic excellence.

Joe’s Movement Emporium:
Sainey Cesay, Poet Laureate of Prince George’s County

Joe’s Movement Emporium, a cultural arts hub based in Mount Rainier, Maryland, inspires creativity through cultural experiences, arts education, job training, and creative community. Located in the Prince George’s Gateway Arts District, Joe’s serves more than 70,000 visitors annually through arts-based youth programs that bridge the creative divide between under-resourced families, and those with means. Current programs include Club Joe’s Arts Education After School; Artist Partners; CreativeWorks job training in digital and theater technology; and, an active theater in both of its locations.

At the Celebration, Joe’s will present Sainey Cesay, a graduate of Joe’s CreativeWorks program, and the 2021 Youth Poet Laureate of Prince George’s County. Her poem Water deftly comments on race, politics and the environment. 

Synetic Theater:
‘All The World’s A Stage’

Synetic Theater redefines theater by blending innovative techniques and movement, investing in artists’ growth, and creating unforgettable visceral experiences for every audience. Founded by Paata and Irina Tsikurishvili, Georgian artists who moved to the US in the 1990s, the Tsikurishvilis combine traditions of the Caucasus with distinctly American styles to tell classic stories through movement, music, technology and visual arts.

Synetic will present an excerpt from ‘All The World’s a Stage,’ the first Synetic Motion Pictures short film, featuring Scott Brown and Maryam Najafzada. The film tells the story of life from one of Shakespeare's most famous speeches.


Excited to see these incredible artists in action?

RSVP for our virtual Celebration of Community Champions on May 20. Registration is free (though, donations are appreciated!)

Introducing the Black Voices for Black Justice DMV Fellows

Meet our Black Justice Fellows: ten local Black leaders fighting for racial justice in our region, and beyond. These 10 visionary leaders were selected from 4,334 nominations representing 362 Black leaders, as the inaugural Fellowship cohort of the Black Voices for Black Justice Fund DMV. Launched fall 2020 in partnership with Bridge Alliance Education Fund and the DC-based nonprofit GOODProjects, the Black Voices for Black Justice Fund DMV supports activists, organizers, and leaders who are on the front lines of advancing social justice and racial equity.  

Each Fellow will receive a personal grant of $30,000 to support their work and living expenses for a year, in support of their racial justice work that is shaping and driving this powerful movement to build a fair, equitable community. 

Read on to meet (and congratulate!) these 10 inspiring Fellows—and learn what values drive them to continue pushing for change.  

Reginald Black: People for Fairness Coalition


“My personal brand is giving the city everything it needs.”

Reginald Black is an advocacy director at People for Fairness Coalition, an organization aiming to empower people to end housing instability in the DC metro area using advocacy, outreach and peer mentoring. Their vision is to use practical and educational processes to get residents from poverty to self-sufficiency. In his spare time, Black serves as an artist and vendor for Street Sense Media.

Xavier Brown: Soilful City


“I am rooted deeply in nature and the community. I’m focused on creating more leaders by working with people to find the power already within them. My personal brand is about building community connections, networks, and community power based on the wisdom of nature.”

Xavier Brown is a native Washingtonian and founder of Soilful City, an organization building bridges between urban agriculture, environmental sustainability and people of the African diaspora. Their work is part educational and part collaboration with fellow Black farmers. Brown sees nature as a way to uplift and heal stressed communities. He is considered the face of DC Black farmers. 

Aalayah Eastmond: Team Enough and Concerned Citizens DC


“I am focused on uplifting the voices of Black youth and families—as well as the most marginalized groups, such as transgender Black women. These values are based on addressing the intersections of gun violence, the leading cause of death for Black youth, with racial equity/justice and police violence.”

Aalayah Eastmond is the co-founder and finances and operations director of Concerned Citizens DC, an organization aiming to improve the quality of life for Black people in DC and improve policing practices. As a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Eastmond experienced an attack by a gunman that resulted in 17 deaths among students and staff. Since, she has advocated against gun violence, in particular the chronic gun violence affecting Black communities daily. Eastmond serves as an executive council member for Team Enough, a youth-led organization working to end gun violence. She’s spoken about her experiences and mission at the 2018 March for Our Lives, the 2020 March on Washington and before Senate and House judiciary committees. Eastmond is also a BLM supporter who’s spent time at protest frontlines in DC.

Jawanna Hardy: Guns Down Friday


“Our main value [at Guns Down Friday] is integrity: doing the right thing when no one is watching. Other values are commitment and consistency. We’re loved by the community, because we never gave up.”

Jawanna Hardy is the founder of Guns Down Friday, an outreach program that provides resources to communities affected by youth homicide, suicide and mental health illnesses. Hardy is a US Air Force veteran who recognized that DC streets were worse than the warzone. Guns Down Friday was founded in 2018 in collaboration with Hardy’s daughter Dnayjah Joseph. The organization provides services such as the mobile trauma unit emergency response, therapy, books, food and clothes giveaways and violence intervention.

Liz Jones: Greenwithin


“My personal brand is being honest about your contribution to the earth and even more honest about how you care for yourself. Adopting eating habits that are best for yourself and the Earth. Having genuine connections and engagement with your community. An easily achievable plant-based diet. Simple sustainability practices.”

Liz Jones is the founder of Greenwithin, an organization creating sustainable food opportunities for underserved DC residents through local organic agriculture, plant based food and nutrition education. Jones hopes to refamiliarize her community with unprocessed, whole foods and to provide resources that lead to sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyles. She calls this her life’s work and family legacy.

Myron Long: The Social Justice School


“My brand is love, learning, and liberation, and my values are community, family, justice, service, and spirituality. I am and have a reputation of being authentic because my professional persona matches my personal and spiritual identity. Who I am as an educator and entrepreneur is who I am as a community activist, husband, and father.”

Myron Long is the founder and executive director of The Social Justice School, a revolutionary DC charter school that educates with social justice and design thinking at its core. Long has served the DC community as a veteran teacher and a principal. He hopes the school, which will eventually expand to accommodate 5th through 8th graders, will develop students academically and produce social justice advocates with skills to interpret and dismantle systems of oppression.

Ashley McSwain: Community Family Life Services

Ashley McSwain (9).jpg

“My personal brand is relentless and unapologetic advocacy for justice-involved women.” 

Ashley McSwain is the Executive Director at Community Family Life Services, a nonprofit serving re-entry women and families by providing wrap around support as they move towards self-sufficiency. McSwain is a licensed social worker in Maryland and a certified domestic violence counselor. She has worked in the human services field for over 25 years and is a recognized expert in women’s reentry. 

Ty Hobson-Powell: Concerned Citizens DC 


“My personal brand is radical love. I believe that the world only seems as careless as it does because we care less about each other than we should. The problem is that for so long there are many of us who’ve felt like we’ve had to do it all ourselves.”

Ty Hobson-Powell is the founder and Director of Policy of Concerned Citizens DC, an organization aiming to improve the quality of life for Black people in DC and improve policing practices. He has led protests in Washington, DC streets to bring awareness and dialogue to critical issues. Hobson-Powell is a child prodigy who graduated high school at 13 years old and earned his master’s in human services by 17 years old.

NeeNee Tay: Black Lives Matter DC (BLM DC)


“I am seeking to solve a better education system for our children. To have health care and housing for all of our people. To dismantle systems that contribute to state sanction and inter community violence. To defund the police and re-invest funds into programs and resources that will empower marginalized people and communities.”

NeeNee Tay is an Activist and Core Organizer for Black Lives Matter DC, is a member-based abolitionist organization centering Black people most at risk for state violence in DC, creating the conditions for Black Liberation through the abolition of systems and institutions of white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy, and colonialism. Tay’s current focus is on criminal justice reform, displacement and youth in the DMV area. Tay describes her activism as walking “in the spirit of Harriet Tubman.”

Bethelehem (Beth) Yirga: The Palm Collective


“I am a single mom who values collective action, education and authenticity. The vision of a future deserving of my daughter is what keeps me fighting for racial justice. I have no choice but to use my power to prepare our emerging generation of leaders in DC, and beyond, through cultivating spaces of learning, collaboration and standing in your power.”

Bethelehem Yirga is the co-founder, chief strategist and lead organizer of The Palm Collective, a Black-led organization connecting individuals, networks and grassroots organizations working to end systemic racism in DC. Their goal is to create powerful communities through Collective Action. Yirga has over 10 years of experience as an educator. She believes in inclusivity, collaboration, collective action and fighting for Black, Brown and BIPOC people to matter.

About the Black Voices for Black Justice Fund (DMV)

The Black Voices for Black Justice Fund (DMV) was seeded by the Bridge Alliance Education Fund and Greater Washington Community Foundation. This local initiative stemmed from the national Black Voices for Black Justice Fund, which was launched from a partnership between many philanthropic organizations across the country.

‘Investing in Our City’s Future:' New Board Members Reflect on Service

Over the past several months, The Community Foundation has welcomed several new members to our board, with expertise ranging from arts management, to civil law. We’re thrilled to work with these inspiring leaders—and excited to introduce them to you! Read on to learn about their backgrounds and what they’re most excited about in joining The Community Foundation family. 


Rachel goslins

With over 25 years’ experience in the cultural sector, creative industries, social impact and law, Rachel Goslins is the Director of the Arts & Industries Building at the Smithsonian Institution. In that capacity she is responsible for all aspects of developing and implementing plans to reopen the building, closed to the public for over a decade, as a space to explore creativity, innovation and the future. Prior to that, she served as Executive Director of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, an advisory committee to President Obama on cultural policy, from 2009 until late 2015.

“I am so thrilled and honored to join The Community Foundation board—especially in this moment of inflection for the organization. With Tonia and Katherine at the helm, coming out of a robust strategic planning process and the lessons of a tumultuous year, which reinforced our mission and value to the communities we serve, we are poised to do even greater things. I am committed to do whatever I can to help build and grow the legacy of this dynamic foundation.”


Ronald Machen

Ronald Machen is a partner at the law firm of WilmerHale. He serves on the firm’s Global Management Committee and is Co-Chair of the firm’s Investigations and Criminal Litigation Group. He is an experienced litigator, having tried more than 35 cases to verdict, who specializes in complex criminal and civil actions. He also routinely helps clients navigate high-stakes, crisis situations that garner the attention of multiple regulators, Congress and private litigants.

“Having spent a large portion of my career devoted to improving public safety, I am very excited about becoming a board member of The Community Foundation and serving my community in a different capacity. There are so many pressing challenges our society faces today—homelessness, income and racial inequality, job preparedness, lack of educational opportunities for our youth, just to name a few.  I look forward to working with my fellow board members of the foundation to attack these and other issues in order to  improve the quality of life for all residents of the greater Washington region.” 


Catherine Pino

Catherine M. Pino is Founder and CEO of D&P Creative Strategies, a certified Latinx, LGBTQ, Veteran and Women’s business enterprise she and her wife, Ingrid Duran, created in 2004. Catherine’s aim is to advance corporate, philanthropic and legislative efforts that mirror her deep passion and commitment to social justice and civil rights issues. Catherine has extensive experience working in the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors, where she developed an expertise for designing and evaluating programs that target underserved populations

“I am so honored to join The Community Foundation familia, and to be part of this incredible organization that does vital work in our community. I am especially looking forward to working with the board under our President’s leadership to guide the staff on the implementation of The Community Foundation’s new, thoughtful, and very bold strategic plan. I am excited to see the fruits of its success as we lead with racial equity and inclusion to strengthen our most vulnerable communities in the area, particularly our immigrant community.”


Archie Smart, Founder, DKR Insights

Archie has counseled political campaigns, global corporations, NGOs, and trade associations to use technology to solve modern communications challenges. A veteran of Madison Avenue, political campaigns, and tech startups, Archie builds offensive and defensive narrative strategies to enhance reputations and influence audiences using data, analytics, and advertising technologies.

Before founding DKR Insights, Smart was an Executive Vice President at MSL / Publicis Groupe, where he was responsible for managing global client engagements.

“Washington, DC is a beacon of hope, freedom, and opportunity for people everywhere, yet many living in the shadow of the Capitol dome struggle for genuine equality. When I joined the board of The Community Foundation, I committed to helping our community achieve the ideals our city represents to the world. I am looking forward to learning from the staff as we make investments in our city’s future.”

First Ladies of The Community Foundation

This month, in honor of Women’s History month, we are celebrating the remarkable women of The Community Foundation who’ve helped shape our history. Many were First Ladies to the President of the United States—a special, historical relationship we’ve nurtured through the years. Here are a few of their stories.

Rosalynn Carter’s Precedent of Support


In 1978, First Lady Rosalynn Carter left Camp David during President Jimmy Carter’s 13-day peace summit, which helped to broker the first-ever peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Mrs. Carter went back to the White House to host a luncheon for business leaders to rally support for the Community Foundation of Greater Washington–then just five years old. She gained support of many corporate and philanthropic leaders, including the Ford Foundation, that set a precedent for our early organization to grow into a champion of thriving communities today. 

In 2019, Danielle Yates, our Managing Director of Marketing and Communications, got the chance to meet Mrs. Carter and former President Jimmy Carter at their church in Georgia (pictured left). 

Barbara Bush’s Literacy Legacy 


While former First Lady Barbara Bush had many passions, none was more personally identified with her than teaching children and their parents to read. Aware of The Community Foundation’s successful record of managing charitable funds for other national figures, in 1989, Mrs. Bush asked us to help establish her literacy organization.

The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy aimed to establish literacy as a value in every family in America; and, help families understand that the home is the child’s first school, with the parent as the child’s first teacher and reading as their first subject. In total, the Foundation awarded more than $40 million in grants to support the development and expansion of more than 900 literacy programs in 50 states and the District of Columbia.  

While The Community Foundation is no longer home to the Barbara Bush Foundation (the Fund closed in 2011), Mrs. Bush’s legacy lives on. You can find more information at

The Laura Bush Foundation for American Libraries


In 2001, Laura Bush helped continue and expand the family’s literacy legacy by establishing the Laura Bush Foundation for American Libraries at The Community Foundation. A former teacher and librarian, Mrs. Bush has long championed the importance of reading as the foundation of all learning.

The Foundation helps students in our nation’s neediest schools by awarding grants to school libraries in an effort to improve student achievement. Funds support these libraries in extending, updating, and diversifying their book and print collections. 

The Laura Bush Foundation transitioned to Dallas, Texas in 2014, where it is now managed as a restricted fund of the George W. Bush Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.

In 2007, we celebrated Mrs. Bush as our Civic Spirit honoree, an award which recognizes a community member who embodies the spirit of philanthropy.

Equity Hubs Help MCPS Students Plug into Learning through Pandemic

Equity Hub students hard at work with their virtual studies.

Equity Hub students hard at work with their virtual studies.

When COVID-19 forced Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) to close in March 2020, families found themselves struggling to adjust to remote learning. As a school district serving 160,000 students, MCPS is comprised of a diverse student body, with students from 164 countries speaking 184 languages. One-third of students benefit from Free and Reduced-Price Meals, and many receive English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) support and in-person special education courses -- all services that changed dramatically when schools closed. 

Due to the closures, students throughout Montgomery County lacked technical support, internet access, and daytime supervision. Students also had to adjust to distractions at home, as well as the social isolation from being away from peers and teachers. 

A Community Approach to Distance Learning

In fall 2020, certified childcare providers, The Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence, MCPS, The Children’s Opportunity Fund at the Greater Washington Community Foundation, and community members came together to establish Educational Enrichment and Equity Hubs in Montgomery County. These enrichment centers, open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and located in schools throughout Montgomery County, served kindergarten through 8th grade students and offered a safe learning environment for young people from low-income households to receive one-on-one support. All providers followed strict health and safety guidelines, provided meals and exercise/play activities, and assigned two staff members for each group of 13 students.

The Equity Hubs were also active academic partners, monitoring and assisting with distance learning and working to ensure that students excelled. Before joining the Equity Hub, Eduardo, a first grader with community-based partner Kids Co., struggled with number and letter identification, making it difficult to complete homework assignments. 

“With help from staff, [Eduardo was] able to complete more assignments,” said Chantelle Miller, Director of Kids Co. “His teachers identified a new academic plan to measure his academic skills, specifically pertaining to math, and he seemed happier and more comfortable doing coursework.” 

Community partners—from parents to childcare providers—have said the social aspects of the Equity Hubs improved students’ engagement, social-emotional skills, and overall mental health. Social interaction also helped younger students develop their sense of self and reach developmental milestones. 

“All of our students [were] successful once they enrolled in our Hub,” said Jay Gerson, President of Kids Co. “They [were] coming every day and being consistent -- they [had] this fuel and motivation to go to school each day.” 

Enrollment Assistance for Equity Hub Students

Quickly working to support families during a crisis comes with a price. Equity Hub providers initially charged $1,200 per month per child to support technology, certified staff, transportation, meals and snacks, and other resources.  


The Greater Washington Community Foundation’s Children’s Opportunity Fund connected with concerned community partners and worked collectively to mobilize funds, raise awareness and began providing scholarships for students. In August and September 2020, the Children’s Opportunity Fund raised $500,000 in private philanthropy, allowing for the opening of four sites in September. In partnership with the Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence, The Children’s Opportunity Fund began advocating to MCPS and the Montgomery County Council for additional funds to expand the Hubs to serve more students. Since September, an additional $550,000 in private philanthropy has been raised—leading to a total of over $1 million in private funds to support Equity Hubs. 

Pat Ruppert, a Children’s Opportunity Fund donor and Montgomery County resident, said that she first considered supporting the Equity Hubs when she started watching her five grandchildren in spring 2020.

“I kept thinking to myself, what about working parents who don’t have the resources or support from family and friends?” Rupert said. “I reached out to The Children’s Opportunity Fund to figure out what was being done to support these families, and that’s when I learned about Equity Hubs and felt inspired to be a part of [their] crucial work.”

The Power of Collaboration

The Children’s Opportunity Fund coordinated the work of many community partners, which created a single point of entry for families to help them navigate finding an Equity Hub that was a good fit for each family and student. Participating Partners worked to spread the word about the Equity Hubs: sharing flyers in English and Spanish, setting up a hotline to receive phone calls, and bringing on family engagement specialists to help get students enrolled.

Also, in close collaboration with MCPS, Equity Hubs were able to enroll students who were struggling the most with distance learning. Collaboration and coordination enabled this effort to reach students who would benefit from the Equity Hubs the most. 

By blending public and private funds to complement efforts, The Children’s Opportunity Fund and its partners were able to utilize private funds to quickly pilot a new program and then acquire public funds to expand its reach to students throughout the community. In October 2020, the Montgomery County Council contributed $1.8 million to expand the Hubs throughout the County’s elementary schools, and MCPS committed another $1.8 million to support Equity Hubs.

The Children’s Opportunity Fund raised over $4.6 million to help the Equity Hubs enroll 1,500 students across 70 sites. In January 2021, MCPS and Montgomery County Council provided another $3.6 million to support them through March 2021, when in-person learning resumed.  

Dr. Daman Harris, Principal at Wheaton Woods, said the Equity Hubs produced numerous benefits for students and the community.

“Before The Children’s Opportunity Fund got involved and alleviated concerns about costs, there were eight children signed up for our hub,” Harris said. “By February 2021, there were over 50 students enrolled.”

This work is not new to The Children’s Opportunity Fund. Started in 2016 by the Montgomery County Council and then established as a funding initiative led by the Greater Washington Community Foundation, The Children’s Opportunity Fund aims to close the opportunity gap by addressing racial inequities and expanding opportunities for marginalized children and families. The Fund brings together community members and government leadership to plan with, advocate for, and fund strategic investments that improve the lives of children and families. 

Looking Toward the Future

The Equity Hubs successfully served thousands of students throughout the pandemic. Even as schools begin to reopen, the need to support our community’s children and families will continue, especially as the implications of the pandemic are more fully understood. The Children’s Opportunity Fund aims to continue working with the community and its partners to understand the evolving needs of the most vulnerable youth and families in order to close the steadily increasing opportunity gap in Montgomery County.  

The Children’s Opportunity Fund can only do this work with the help of cross-sector partners across Montgomery County. You can play an active role in ensuring that young people continue to have access to safe, quality learning opportunities and enrichments that support their academic and personal development, regardless of socio-economic status, race, or housing situation. Join us to ensure that all children have access to the essential services and growth opportunities they need to thrive.

A Reflection on a Year of COVID-19

By Tonia Wellons, President & CEO

In March 2020, our world shifted before us. COVID-19 had arrived—and with it, came an unprecedented health and economic crisis for our region, our country, and our world. 

As a regional Community Foundation, we were resolute in our duty to care for our community as quickly, and compassionately, as possible. On March 12, less than a week after the onset of the pandemic in our region, we established the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to deploy emergency assistance to those most adversely affected.

And today, to mark the one-year anniversary, I want to start off by acknowledging the families and people in our region who have experienced loss of life as a result of COVID-19; or during the pandemic period. Our work has targeted those living through the pandemic, but many didn’t make it. For those people and their families, we offer our respectful condolences and hope for brighter days. 

Since launching the Fund, we’ve been able to mobilize $10.5 million from more than 1,300 contributors including corporate partners, local foundations, and individual donors. We are so humbled by and proud of our network of partners and donors, who have stepped up in incredible ways to support our neighbors in need.

I am proud to share some key data points with you on our collective impact, which helps tell the story of our coordinated COVID-19 response. What we were able to accomplish together for our community is truly inspiring—and would not have been possible without our generous community partners. 

Here are a couple of stories that I found especially inspiring: 

Future Harvest advances agriculture that sustains farmers, communities, and the environment through mini-cash grants to farmer entrepreneurs who do not qualify for federal stimulus programs. Future Harvest combined its Greater Washington Community Foundation grant funds with other sources to create the “Feed the Need” Fund, which awarded more than $60,000 to 22 small-to mid-sized, financially struggling family farm operations—14 of whom were BIPOC farmers.

Sophie Felts, a Community Foundation donor and owner of Sophie Felts Floral Design, launched a flower drive to help fundraise for our COVID-19 Response Fund. All proceeds from her locally-grown flower arrangements supported our efforts, helping funnel additional funds into the community when it was needed most. 

Or, take the CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield PPE Response Fund, one of our aligned COVID-19 response partnerships. Through this public-private endeavor, we partnered with CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield to establish a $5 million fund to procure and distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) at no-cost to healthcare and social service organizations on the front lines of the pandemic. 

This equated to 1.6 million units of PPE to local frontline health workers—one of our region's most impacted populations. In this way, we were able to not only recognize, but support, the frontline workers who helped our community through this pandemic.

We know that our pre-COVID world was one rife with deep inequities in housing, employment, and education, among many areas. As we work toward an equitable recovery, we know we cannot return to the status quo. At The Community Foundation, we are focused on emerging from this crisis as a stronger, more equitable, and resilient community that offers equal opportunity for all residents to thrive. 

Right now, we are working on this in several key ways. We are in the midst of retooling our strategic framework so that every aspect of our work is aligned with what our region needs to move forward as an equitable community. We will focus on building a community of support and accountability that will advance our region’s role as a champion for racial equity and justice.  

We believe that everyone has a role to play in shaping a “better normal” for the Greater Washington region—one where who you are, and where you were born, does not determine your success in life.  We look forward to continuing to explore ways we can engage community voices, and better support Black leaders and organizations led by, or serving BIPOC communities.

Together, with our community and  local government, we will continue to foster long-lasting change, especially for our region’s low-income families and communities of color. 

Thank you for partnering with us to pursue an equitable recovery strategy that lifts and prioritizes the needs of everyone in our region, but especially those who have been the most negatively affected in the Greater Washington Region.

Celebration of Community Champions

Invite Card_20th_F.png

On Thursday, May 20 at 6 p.m., join us for an hour of inspiration and celebration of our collective efforts and impact. As a champion for your community, we want to uplift you and the everyday heroes - including the donors, nonprofit partners, corporate supporters, and local government advisors - who stepped up to help our community navigate this crisis.

This virtual Celebration will share the incredible stories of neighbors helping neighbors that have continued to inspire us. You will also enjoy special performances from local artists and arts organizations, supported by the Arts Forward Fund, representing a range of creative expression including music, theater, visual arts, and dance.

Save the date for May 20 to recognize and honor our community of changemakers.

Registration opens in early April and is free to our community (though donations are appreciated!).

Advancing Housing Justice

Over the past year we have seen the impact of strong advocacy and organizing efforts, both here in DC, and across the country. In DC, undocumented workers who were left out of traditional unemployment insurance and other public aid, successfully advocated for financial assistance through the DC Cares Program, which has issued over $14 million in relief funding. Thanks to advocates here and across the country, we have also seen rental assistance and renter protections included in local and federal legislation.

Yet, as this crisis continues, we know there is still work to be done. In DC, many neighbors are behind on rent and people experiencing homelessness remain at high risk. A new study shows that housing for all and eviction moratoriums could have saved 164,000 lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. This evidence demonstrates what we already know: that housing is healthcare, and housing saves lives. As private philanthropy and as individuals, our resources are limited but by supporting advocacy and organizing, we can both leverage our investments and shift power to those closest to the work and best able to identify solutions.

Announcing New Grants to Nonprofits Advancing Housing Justice

This month, we are incredibly excited to announce $310,000 in grants awarded to 7 DC organizations that are working to increase resources to end homelessness and to advocate for policies and funding to increase the supply of deeply affordable housing in DC.

As a part of our commitment to racial equity and addressing racial disparities, we prioritized efforts developed and led by communities most impacted by homelessness and housing instability. We know that by supporting these efforts, we can continue to build power in these communities and move toward the transformational change needed to ensure everyone has housing they can afford.

Join Us to Stand for Change

In addition to our grantmaking, we will continue to advocate for the issues that impact our neighbors experiencing homelessness and housing instability. On March 17 at 12 noon, we are hosting a virtual panel, Standing for Change: Advocating for Housing Justice, a special conversation discussing how you can help advocate for housing justice. We’ll examine how we can work together to advocate for a more healthy and equitable community through stable housing.

Thank you for standing with us. We look forward to your continued partnership as we work to end homelessness in DC.

Down Payment Grants for a More Just Future

At The Community Foundation, we are proud to partner with Flock DC, a DC-based real estate firm, on the birdSEED Foundation, a new housing justice program offering targeted home-buying assistance to Black and Brown DC residents. BirdSEED is responding to a history where Black people have long been denied access to opportunities for homeownership and/or targeted by predatory lending practices. Learn more about the fund and how to apply on their website.

About the Partnership to End Homelessness

The Partnership to End Homelessness, led by the Greater Washington Community Foundation and the District Government’s Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH), brings together the public and private sectors to ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring in DC. We believe that all DC residents deserve a safe, stable, and affordable place to call home.

By joining together, we will increase the supply of deeply affordable housing, help everyone find a home they can afford, and help more people access housing and exit homelessness more quickly.

Get Involved

Every action, whether large or small, can make a difference in ending homelessness. Visit and sign up to receive updates on ways to get involved.

Greater Washington Community Foundation Announces Community Action Awards Winners

$100,000 in funds awarded to actionable ideas aimed to benefit Greater Washington neighborhoods and the public good

Washington, DC – February 11, 2021 – The Greater Washington Community Foundation is pleased to announce the full slate of community projects selected to receive Community Action Awards, presented by Comcast—cash awards up to $2,000 to help residents take action to make their communities safer, stronger, and more dynamic. In all, $100,000 was awarded to 50 projects working to make our region a more equitable and inclusive place for everyone to live, work, and thrive.

The Community Action Awards, presented by Comcast, are part of VoicesDMV, a powerful community engagement initiative launched in 2017 to explore the region’s challenges and opportunities related to housing, transportation, safety, economic security, race relations, and community well-being. VoicesDMV celebrates and intentionally listens to the voices of those in our community that often go unheard. To learn more about the initiative, visit 

In 2020, VoicesDMV tapped into Community Insights through a regional survey captured in the weeks immediately preceding the COVID-19 crisis. Even before the pandemic, the survey found that our Black and African American neighbors were experiencing economic inequality and expressing deep concerns about access to quality education, jobs, and medical care. View the findings here.

On the Table then brought together thousands of DMV residents for virtual community conversations to engage in meaningful dialogue around the challenges presented by the survey findings, to work to develop solutions together, and to inspire action to make a difference in our communities.  

Finally, the Community Action Awards program, presented by Comcast, is providing support to help participants move ideas discussed at the table into action. These awards are intended to support neighborhood-based projects and individual leaders who may encounter challenges in accessing traditional foundation funding.

“VoicesDMV presents a powerful platform to engage residents to do good for their communities — in fact, 90 percent of On the Table survey respondents said they were likely to take action on an issue discussed at their conversation,” said Benton Murphy, Senior Advisor for Impact at the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “The Community Action Awards were designed to support these ideas and help community members to take action to better their communities. We are looking forward to seeing these projects come to life in communities across the region.”

Selected projects come from across the Washington, DC metro area – including DC, Montgomery and Prince George’s counties in Maryland, and Northern Virginia. The projects address a wide range of issues, including education and youth development, community engagement, health and wellness, arts and culture, food access and more. All projects receiving awards can be viewed here.

Over 200 individuals and nonprofit organizations submitted ideas through an online application with the option to share a two-minute video clip describing their project. A team of Community Foundation staff and individuals representing a variety of backgrounds, neighborhoods, and expertise evaluated the entries. Winners were selected based on creativity of idea, level of community engagement, and potential impact of the project. 

Community Action Award Winners

  • Action Research for Community Change, a partnership between American University’s Community-Based Research Scholars and E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to facilitate an Action Research 101 class for students and pilot a student-led action research project on a community issue important to them.

  • Advancing Equity and Inclusion through Entrepreneurship, SEEK SPOT’s 2-Day Launch Camp, to support 10 DC-area entrepreneurs to accelerate business ideas that solve local problems.

  • Kids in COVID Book Project, from Bee the Change, to support an opportunity for Montgomery Country children to reflect and write on their experience during the pandemic.

  • Baños de Bosque and Defensores de la Cuenca to engage Spanish-speaking immigrant communities in “forest bathing,” a form of therapy that uses nature to teach mindfulness.

  • Black on the Block, a collaboration between Creative Suitland Arts Center and Joe’s Movement Emporium, to support a Black wellness festival offering health and business booths, workshops, and performances by local artists.

  • Black Chamber Business Tour, an initiative of the PFC Black Chamber, to host a socially distant, caravan-style tour to provide exposure and increase visibility of 10 Black owned businesses in Prince George’s County.

  • The Book Club for Kids to support expansion of its podcast program into Anacostia schools.

  • Brighter Bites to purchase food for its produce boxes that help underserved families gain access to healthy foods.

  • Brightwood Park Unity Mural, a project commissioned by Uptown Main Street, to support creation of a mural that fosters unity, inclusion, neighborhood peace, and youth involvement in the Brightwood Park neighborhood of DC.

  • Briya Voices for All, a program of Briya Public Charter School, to support student-led advocacy efforts in 2021.

  • B-Roll Media & Arts to help transition its teaching model to online learning and virtual classes.

  • Helping Older Adults Weather the COVID Winter through Walking from Capitol Hill Village to create and promote a Year-Round Walking Program designed to bring neighbors together, reduce social isolation, increase social support, and encourage physical activity.

  • Civic Saturday Prince George’s County, part of Civic University, to create a program aimed to increase civic engagement in local communities.

  • The Coming Home Coop to offer stipends to local business owners for participation in its workshop program.

  • Dance Place Accessibility Project to expand Dance Place’s accessibility of its programming and facilities to people with disabilities.

  • DC South Asian Food Walking Tour, an initiative of South Asian Rapid Response Initiative (SARRI), to create a walking tour that highlights Asian immigrant restaurant owners.

  • DC KinCare Alliance Relative Caregiver Community Board Outreach and Education Project, a DC KinCare Alliance project, to develop an oral history video focused on the everyday life experiences of relative caregivers who’ve stepped up to raise DC's at-risk children in times of crisis.

  • Empowered Healing, an initiative of Support Hopeful Youth (SHY), to host three mental health workshops for unstably housed youth in DC.

  • Fill the Fridge to offer nutritious meals to underserved communities by purchasing, installing, and filling refrigerators in area schools, libraries, and departments of recreation.

  • FreeState to support the second edition of its Maryland LGBTQIA+ community needs assessment.

  • Fort Dupont Park Clean-Up Project, an initiative of Friends of Fort Dupont Ice Arena, to offer positive youth development opportunities during the pandemic.

  • Food Landscape Photovoice, a collaboration between Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) and the Prince George’s County Food Equity Council (FEC), to capture personal stories from community members about their food environments to communicate their needs and potential solutions. 

  • Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild to purchase farming materials for its urban farm that grows and distributes fresh food to area food banks.

  • Got You Covered Diaper Bag Project, a program of Seed of Faith, to distribute diapers, clothing, and other essentials to economically disadvantaged new parents.

  • Health and Hope on Wheels, a program by Rainbow Community Development Center, to hire unemployed drivers to pick up donations for its partner agencies.

  • Impacto LGBT, a Spanish-language mental health program for persons living with HIV, to expand its bilingual services of LGBT Latinx gay men.

  • Invest in the Future, a program by Youth for You, to support a 12-month, academic and college and career readiness program for underserved students in the DC area.

  • Kinder(Garden), a program of the Community Educational Research Group, to purchase garden materials and supplies for a youth gardening project with instruction on healthy eating habits and environmental stewardship.

  • Live It Learn It to provide two 5th grade classes at Drew Elementary School with access to fun, engaging, hands-on lessons and experiences, such as Sheroes, a social studies lesson focused on women in history and activism.

  • Mamas Together Mutual Aid Community Survey Project, an initiative of Mothers Outreach Network, to conduct a digital survey to create awareness and measure the need for a food and supplies bank for the most marginalized moms of several neighborhoods in dire need.

  • Maple Avenue Parent Support Group, part of Community Health and Empowerment in the Takoma Park and Long Branch neighborhoods, to create a new weekly parent support group for immigrant families with elementary school age children.

  • Neighbors Helping Neighbors, a program of Just Neighbors, to provide stipends to former clients to continue engagement around discussing, advocating, and volunteering on issues that will help make their community a more welcoming place for immigrants.

  • No Safe Place to Call Home, a collaborative reporting project that would give one of Street Sense Media’s formerly homeless vendor-writers the chance to produce an investigative story about his experience in partnership with a seasoned professional journalist.

  • Overcoming Gentrification in Chinatown to support AALEAD's Youth Council, a group of high and middle-school AAPI youth who advocate for diversity and racial equity concerns in their own lives and their community, to raise awareness of gentrification concerns and give a voice to Chinese residents of DC’s Chinatown neighborhood.

  • Potomac Triangle Parks Project, part of the volunteer-run nonprofit Guerilla Gardeners of Washington, DC, to help the residents of Potomac Gardens and Hopkins to reclaim two adjacent public parks from disuse and neglect.

  • Raising Las Voces to involve Prince George's County Youth Poet Ambassadors in creating a series of posters to promote and foster awareness of various issues affecting the Latinx community and how to access related resources.

  • School Supplies for Students from the Sequoyah Elementary School PTA to prepare and distribute school supply boxes to support the physical, material, and social-emotional needs of students during distance learning.

  • Sewing Academy for Latina Women, a partnership between IMPACT Silver Spring and local Latina residents, to launch a 20-week sewing academy for 25 Latina women.

  • Sonn Cosita Seria’s Langley Park Project to support a collective music workshop program that teaches and promotes Son Jarocho music in the DC area.

  • Surviving a Global Pandemic: Recipes from ROC-DC to help print, publish, and distribute a cookbook that aims to build, strengthen, and maintain community across cultures and languages during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Takoma Education Campus Community Garden, led by the TEC Parent Teacher Organization, to rehabilitate and expand an unused garden space to bring freshly grown, nutritious vegetables to the local community.

  • Total Wellness to support its Bold Beautiful Brilliant Girls Empowerment Group by offering yoga supplies and online yoga classes that help middle school girls take better care of their minds and bodies.

  • Ward 3 Mutual Aid, a volunteer-run network of neighbors, to provide groceries, cleaning products and household supplies directly to neighbors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Wellness Together project at Thomas G Pullen Creative Arts Academy to create a wellness initiative for students in grades 3-5 with a twice weekly virtual afterschool program including yoga, meditation, and art therapy.

  • Wheels for Women, a partnership between Lyft and the Brem Foundation, to offer cost-free ride-sharing service to breast screenings and diagnostic appointments for women in need.

  • Woks for Washington COVID-19 Meal Donation Project and Players Philanthropy Fund to purchase meals from local Asian restaurants and donate those meals to local homeless shelters and medical staff.

  • Young Royalty, a program of Royalty LLC, to offer daily and menstrual hygiene products and self-esteem workshops to young ladies 12-17 years of age.

  • Young, Black & Working from Home Community and Young, Black & Giving Back Institute to support an online community of Black nonprofit professionals to share ideas, network, dialogue, and have a space to experience Black joy despite current societal crises.

  • Youth in Support of Police Reform, a project of Prince George’s People’s Coalition, to educate high school youth on the Maryland state legislative process and support their advocacy efforts around police reform legislation.

  • ZOOM PALS to support greater social connection for those aging in place in Hyattsville, Maryland by offering technology training taught by youth and high school students.