Spotlight: Kaps Kapende - Excellence Before and After Thrive Prince George’s

Kaps Kapande (second from the left) with members of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Prince George’s and a fellow Thrive Prince George’s participant.

In November 2023, The Community Foundation and our partners announced the launch of Thrive Prince George’s - the first guaranteed income pilot in Prince George’s County.

The innovative pilot program provides cash payments of $800 per month to 50 youth who aged out of foster care and 125 Seniors (Age 60+) in Prince George’s County for 24 months. Participants began receiving their first payments in April 2024.

Six months into the program, we asked Kaps Kapende - a former client of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Prince George’s - to share how Thrive Prince George’s has impacted his life and outlook for the future.

Navigating a New Country Alone
Kaps Kapende is living a life of determination, perseverance, and resilience. In the last decade, he has been faced with personal and professional barriers that he has turned into fruitful opportunities using his innate intelligence, ambition, and wisdom to seek out the support he needed to exceed his goals.

In 2015, when Kaps was in 9th grade, he immigrated from the Congo to the United States, by himself. A year after arriving in Texas, he made the decision to move to Washington, DC to seek help with his immigration status.

“Back home in Congo, everything is centralized in the capitol. So when people needed administrative services they had to go to the capitol to get help,” Kaps shared.

“Being young, I thought it was the same way here [in the U.S.]. So I decided to book a bus from Texas to Washington, DC to get help.” 

Upon arriving in DC, Kaps spent the next two months living in a hostel. It was during this time that he learned he would not be able to return to high school because he didn’t have a guardian. Unable to work or study, Kaps eventually went to a homeless shelter for assistance – only to be turned away because he was a minor.

After receiving a recommendation from a friend, Kaps moved to Prince George’s County, where he was able to seek out social services and get connected with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Prince George’s. With their help, Kaps was able to eventually be matched with foster care and finish his high school education.

Excellence in the Face of Barriers
After high school, Kaps was accepted into Frostburg State University where he studied accounting. With ambition as great as his resilience, one of Kaps’ goals was to land a job while in school – event though his immigration status made it difficult for him to find a position.

Kaps decided to take matters into his own hands and launch a lawn mowing business. He passed out fliers in his old neighborhood and was able to build a loyal customer base that allowed him to mow lawns throughout college.

Eventually, Kaps’ hard work and special interest in real estate helped him purchase his first property in Prince George’s County by the age of 22.

Kaps’ Success Reaches New Heights with Thrive Prince George’s
Now 23 years old, Kaps has his degree and works as an accountant – and he is determined to keep growing. He recently enrolled in a cybersecurity boot camp at George Washington University to learn more about the rapidly evolving field. He also has ambitious goals to learn Spanish and build yet another business.

Kaps’ dedication and commitment to excellence have been instrumental to his personal success and growth. These qualities have also led Kaps to help others when he can. With the extra income, Kaps has been able to send financial support to his family overseas.

Between his ambitions and the desire to help support his family, Kaps says that participating in the Thrive Prince George’s guaranteed income program has made a huge difference.

“Being a part of Thrive has helped me budget without feeling squeezed,” Kaps shared. “It has simplified my life at a time when I needed it most.”

Kaps’ story highlights the unique impact of guaranteed income programs like Thrive Prince George’s, which are designed to help people work toward or meet their personal and professional financial goals. While no two stories are the same, many stories will illustrate the power of support and access to the tools needed to reach one’s goals.  

As Kaps continues to build his future, support his family, and inspire the world, he hopes to see guaranteed income programs like Thrive Prince George’s expand to reach even more youth with big dreams.

The Community Foundation is proud to support individuals like Kaps through our investments in Guaranteed Income Pilots through Together, We Prosper - a Campaign for Economic Justice.

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