Juneteenth: The Gap Between The Promise and the Experience of Freedom

By Ronnie Galvin, Managing Director, Community Investment

Juneteenth, an African-American ‘high-holy day,’ marks the date (June 19, 1865) that enslaved African people in Galveston, Texas, learned of their emancipation from slavery. This was over 2 ½ years after the initial issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862, and its actual enactment on January 1, 1863.

You might ask (as I did when I first learned this history), why it took so long for Galveston’s African peoples to learn about their release from chattel slavery? Some have rationalized that Texas being the Union’s outermost slaveholding state is the reason why news of the proclamation arrived so late. Others ascribe to the belief that slaveholders in Galveston purposely withheld news of the Proclamation as a way to maintain their power, and to extend the exploitation of Black bodies. 

The first rationale here is perhaps plausible. The second rationale is most probable and likely.  

In preparation for our next DMV Community Book Group, I’ve been reading and contemplating Heather McGhee’s The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. McGhee uses economics, history, and storytelling to make a point that some may know, yet others fully reject: that the persistence of racism that has undermined Black people’s aspirations and progress also has high costs for us all.

Connecting McGhee’s book to the history of Juneteenth and Lincoln’s Emancipation, I find myself reflecting on the gap between the promise of freedom, and the experience of freedom. She cites countless moments when a nation that proclaims to be “home of the free” actively reneges on the promise of freedom for Black people.

While the national narrative amplifies the idea that America is the greatest democracy the world has ever seen, electoral gerrymandering, police assaults on Black bodies and neighborhoods, and disparity gaps between white and Black people in the areas of income, debt accumulation, access to higher education, health, and wealth suggest otherwise. So much promise pronounced in anthems, speeches, and national myth, is only contradicted by so much pain, disappointment, and the feeling of betrayal that Black people continue to experience in this stolen land.

Even as I pen this piece, the United States Senate has unanimously voted to make Juneteenth a federal holiday. For some this is a cause of celebration. I cannot join them, however. Not while they actively block reparations legislation, fuel voter suppression efforts meant to discount Black voting power, bristle with the rise of critical race theory, and amplify “alternative facts” meant to sanitize America’s racist settler colonialist history. 

Symbolic pronouncements such as this, and the social-moral contradictions it reveals, are too much to ignore and can no longer be tolerated. To paraphrase the great Langston Hughes, this incongruity is yet another indication that the America that professes to be, “has never been America to me.” 

This nation will never reach the pinnacle of its potential as long as Black people continue to suffer this demise. As the country continues to grow in its awareness about the cost and loss that Black people have endured, McGhee gracefully (but poignantly) reminds us that this pain also accrues to the masses of Americans. In other words—we all lose as long as systemic racism prevails. 

It’s been nearly 160 years since the first Juneteenth, and our nation is still very much grappling with the origins of this milestone day. The way forward will require the kind of cross-racial, cross-class coalitions that have inspired the best moments in our democracy’s history. Moments that are once again taking their rise in current-day movements for better wages and income, healthcare for all, the generation and enjoyment of wealth, and repairing the damage we have done to the climate. To be sure, the threats to Black people—and all people—are significant and seemingly insurmountable, but they can be confronted and turned back in the face of the sum of us.

We are all in this together. We’re all we got. That’s more than enough.

Community Foundation Recommits $5 million for Affordable Housing

We know that housing ends homelessness and that to reach our goal, we must increase the supply of deeply affordable housing. The City is making strides, including the Mayor’s historic commitment to the Housing Production Trust Fund and Local Rent Supplement Program (LRSP) funding, which better targets funds to serve our lowest-income neighbors. But it will take all of us doing our part to ensure everyone has a home they can afford.

Through the Partnership to End Homelessness, The Community Foundation has partnered with Enterprise Community Loan Fund, Inc. (ECLF) to offer an impact investing option to address the shortage of deeply affordable housing in DC and the surrounding areas. We are extremely excited to share that this year we will be reinvesting in the ECLF Impact Note to continue building and preserving critical affordable housing for our neighbors. Through this partnership, we have invested alongside donors and other partners to create and preserve over 500 units of affordable housing.

Using Your Voice: Contact Your Elected Official

In March, we sent a letter to Mayor Bowser urging her to make bold investments in deeply affordable housing and homeless services with this year’s budget. Since then, the Partnership Leadership Council has been meeting with City Council members to tell them that housing ends homelessness and that this year, we have an unprecedented opportunity to make substantial progress toward our goal.

If you haven’t already, please read our letter to the Mayor and contact your elected officials to tell them that we MUST make substantial investments to ensure everyone has housing they can afford. The Council is working on the budget now, so reach out today!

Not only does housing end homelessness, it leads to better health outcomes, education outcomes, and stronger employment. The Partnership to End Homelessness is bringing private sector leaders to the table to make sure our elected officials understand that our entire community and economy are stronger when everyone has stable, affordable, and decent housing. And that in order to advance equity, we have to make sure that we have housing that people can afford.

Remembering Rhonda Whitaker and Waldon Adams

Last month, our community suffered a shocking loss when Waldon Adams and Rhonda Whitaker, two fierce advocates for ending homelessness, were killed in a hit and run. They were longtime members of the Miriam’s Kitchen and Pathways to Housing DC families, and treasured friends of ours as well.

As a member of our Partnership to End Homelessness Leadership Council, Waldon was instrumental in our work to ensure everyone has housing they can afford. Today, we invite you to join us in honoring their memories.

Celebrating Reginald Black

Congratulations to Reginald Black for being selected as a Black Voices for Black Justice DMV Fellow! Reginald is a leader in the field and a strong advocate for ending homelessness and ensuring everyone has housing they can afford. He is currently the Advocacy Director at People for Fairness Coalition, an organization aiming to empower people to end housing instability in the DC metro area using advocacy, outreach and peer mentoring.

About the Partnership to End Homelessness

The Partnership to End Homelessness, led by the Greater Washington Community Foundation and the District Government’s Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH), brings together the public and private sectors to ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring in DC. We believe that all DC residents deserve a safe, stable, and affordable place to call home.

By joining together, we will increase the supply of deeply affordable housing, help everyone find a home they can afford, and help more people access housing and exit homelessness more quickly.

Remembering Rhonda Whitaker and Waldon Adams

Waldon and Rhonda were an inspiration to so many in our community. After overcoming so much, they used their experience to help others secure permanent housing and became fierce advocates for ending homelessness in DC.

As an advocate with Miriam’s Kitchen, Rhonda joined us last year to educate donors and private sector leaders on “The Truth About Chronic Homelessness and the Solution” and how housing can save lives

As a member of our Partnership to End Homelessness Leadership Council, we were honored to work closely with Waldon. You couldn’t be a part of this work in DC without knowing him and feeling his commitment and passion. We are incredibly grateful that he was willing to lend his passion and expertise to the Leadership Council. His personal experience and years working to help others both grounded our strategies and made our work stronger. Whether running marathons, speaking with private sector leaders, or helping someone find housing, he gave 100%.

We will never be able to adequately express our gratitude and appreciation for everything they have done for our community. We know our partners, especially those at Miriam’s Kitchen and Pathways, are grieving and we also know they will continue to fight to end homelessness as Rhonda and Waldon did every day.

Renowned Local Artists To Perform At Celebration Of Community Champions

We are thrilled to announce the cohort of renowned local artists, from four regional arts organizations, who will perform at our virtual Celebration of Community Champions on May 20. 

These performers work with some of Greater Washington’s most impactful nonprofit arts organizations, including Arts on the Block, DC Jazz Festival, Joe’s Movement Emporium, and Synetic Theater, which are supported by the Arts Forward Fund. Arts Forward Fund is a funder collaborative that provided over $1 million in emergency support to help arts and culture organizations struggling due to the pandemic.

Read on to learn more about our featured artists and organizations—and get a sneak-peak of their performances.

Arts on the Block:
Young Artists From Youth Arts Movement

Since 2003, Arts on the Block (AOB) has helped young people imagine and plan fulfilling lives and careers, join the creative workforce, and contribute to their own communities. AOB’s programs provide creative expression and learning, studio skills, job training, and career path support to young creatives who might not otherwise be introduced to art and design careers. 

For this special performance, several young artists from Youth Arts Movement (YAM), AOB’s STEAM-centered visual arts program, will present and discuss their creative works. The YAM program, conducted in both English and Spanish for students ages 4-13, provides an introductory experience in the elements of visual art. Projects are integrated with science and technology activities, allowing students to explore the creative connection between science and art.

DC Jazz Festival:
Jazz Pianist Allyn Johnson & Friends

DC Jazz Festival (DCJF) presents world-renowned and emerging jazz artists to audiences in Greater Washington, and beyond. Throughout the year, DCJF also advances music education by extending free educational programs to underserved neighborhoods in DC, and to DC public and charter school students. Signature programs include the annual DC JazzFest, slated for September 1-5 this year; the year-round DCJF Music Education Program; the Charles Fishman Embassy Series; and the DCJazzPrix competition. 

Allyn Johnson, jazz pianist

Allyn Johnson, jazz pianist

For the Celebration,  DC Jazz Festival will present Allyn Johnson, a DC-born jazz pianist, composer, arranger, and producer. He will be  joined by longtime collaborators Herman Burney on bass, and drummer Carroll V. Dashiell III.

Johnson is known for his trademark sound that gives brilliance, and fortitude, to the art of jazz improvisation. A protege of the late great jazz legend Calvin Jones, a venerable figure in the international jazz community, Johnson makes it his mantra to never rest on his laurels. He hopes to continue Jones' rich legacy of service, musicianship and academic excellence.

Joe’s Movement Emporium:
Sainey Cesay, Poet Laureate of Prince George’s County

Joe’s Movement Emporium, a cultural arts hub based in Mount Rainier, Maryland, inspires creativity through cultural experiences, arts education, job training, and creative community. Located in the Prince George’s Gateway Arts District, Joe’s serves more than 70,000 visitors annually through arts-based youth programs that bridge the creative divide between under-resourced families, and those with means. Current programs include Club Joe’s Arts Education After School; Artist Partners; CreativeWorks job training in digital and theater technology; and, an active theater in both of its locations.

At the Celebration, Joe’s will present Sainey Cesay, a graduate of Joe’s CreativeWorks program, and the 2021 Youth Poet Laureate of Prince George’s County. Her poem Water deftly comments on race, politics and the environment. 

Synetic Theater:
‘All The World’s A Stage’

Synetic Theater redefines theater by blending innovative techniques and movement, investing in artists’ growth, and creating unforgettable visceral experiences for every audience. Founded by Paata and Irina Tsikurishvili, Georgian artists who moved to the US in the 1990s, the Tsikurishvilis combine traditions of the Caucasus with distinctly American styles to tell classic stories through movement, music, technology and visual arts.

Synetic will present an excerpt from ‘All The World’s a Stage,’ the first Synetic Motion Pictures short film, featuring Scott Brown and Maryam Najafzada. The film tells the story of life from one of Shakespeare's most famous speeches.


Excited to see these incredible artists in action?

RSVP for our virtual Celebration of Community Champions on May 20. Registration is free (though, donations are appreciated!)

Community Foundation to Honor Community Champions

Hundreds will gather virtually to celebrate the individual and collective efforts to address the most pressing needs of our community

In celebration of what makes the Greater Washington region truly remarkable, the Greater Washington Community Foundation has announced the honorees for its upcoming Celebration of Community Champions on Thursday, May 20, 2021. 

The virtual Celebration will uplift and honor several local Heroes for their exceptional efforts to help our community navigate the pandemic and economic crisis.

CareFirst workers delivering PPE.

CareFirst workers delivering PPE.

  • Corporate Hero: CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
    For committing to distributing 1.6 million units of PPE at no-cost to nonprofit health centers and independent providers on the frontlines of the pandemic.

  • Community Hero: Feed the Fight
    A community-driven, volunteer effort with a dual mission to support local restaurants and provide meals to healthcare and frontline workers.

Food for Montgomery volunteers distributing food at a food distribution site.

Food for Montgomery volunteers distributing food at a food distribution site.

  • Collaborative Hero: Food for Montgomery
    A public-private effort to coordinate and expand food distributions, support local farmers and small businesses, and improve food systems to combat food insecurity in Montgomery County.

  • Civic Heroes
    For demonstrating outstanding civic leadership and service dedicated to improving the lives of Prince George’s County residents.

    • Dr. Monica Goldson, CEO, Prince George’s County Public Schools

    • Steve Proctor, President and CEO, G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc.

    • Dr. Alvin Thornton, former chairman, Prince George’s County Board of Education

    • Senator Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., in memoriam

While 2020 was an incredibly challenging year, the generosity and commitment of our community has been nothing short of incredible. Since the early days of this crisis, our community has stepped up to provide much needed support and resources to help our neighbors facing hardship due to COVID-19. 

The Community Foundation was proud to partner with and serve this community during its time of need. Since March 2020, The Community Foundation has mobilized over $10.5 million in community support to help families put food on the table, keep a roof over their heads, access medical care, find or maintain a job, and fully participate in remote learning.

The Celebration of Community Champions will honor the generosity of our community and help The Community Foundation continue to raise vital support to respond to this ongoing crisis and work toward an equitable recovery for our region.   

“Small actions can add up to make our community a better place,” said Tonia Wellons, President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “Over the past year, our community has come together to respond to the unprecedented challenges of a global pandemic, economic crisis, and racial reckoning. This virtual Celebration will recognize and honor the people and partners who stepped up to meet these challenges with equally unprecedented generosity, creativity, and compassion.”

 The Celebration will feature special performances from local artists and arts organizations supported by the Arts Forward Fund and representing a range of creative expression including music, theater, visual arts, and dance. The Arts Forward Fund is a funder collaborative at The Community Foundation which provided $1 million in emergency support to help struggling arts organizations, especially nonprofits led by and serving BIPOC communities in our region. 

Celebrating A Year of Leadership

On April 2, 2020—just one day after DC’s official COVID-19 stay-at-home orders were announced—Tonia Wellons was named President and CEO of The Community Foundation. This followed a half-year search during which she served as interim CEO of the organization. 

Today, on Tonia’s one year anniversary, we celebrate her steadfast leadership and vision. Throughout 2020, Tonia remained determined to care for our community with urgency and with care - and the community took notice. 

Through her many media features, awards and accolades this past year, we are so humbled and appreciative of all the positive support she’s received. Below, get to know Tonia better, and learn about some of this year’s top highlights. 

Introducing Tonia: ‘A Steadfast Vision Offering Us Hope’

Read about Tonia’s background and experience, and her vision for The Community Foundation. Hear what it was like starting as CEO during a pandemic and how she is shaping The Community Foundation’s priorities in response to the evolving crisis. 

Celebrating Her Leadership: ‘A Collaborator On The Journey Toward Solutions’

Learn about two significant awards Tonia received this year, which honored the incredible community leadership she’s provided amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

Thought Leadership in Action

Last summer, Tonia wrote a Washington Post op-ed with Ursual Wright, Managing Director for FSG, where she referred to the pandemic as a ‘trifecta of crisis:’ health, economic, and democratic. Read more about her views on this crisis - and her perspective from being on the frontlines of philanthropy.

A Call to Action to End Homelessness


Dear Mayor Bowser: 

We are writing on behalf of the Greater Washington Community Foundation and its Partnership to End Homelessness Leadership Council to thank you for your deep commitment to addressing homelessness in DC, and to offer our endorsement for bold action in the fiscal year 2022 budget to make substantial investments in ending homelessness and in affordable housing. As you know, the Partnership is a collective effort of business leaders, philanthropists, and national and local nonprofits working to ensure homelessness in DC is rare, brief, and non-recurring.

The pandemic and economic crisis have made it crystal clear that stable affordable housing is the foundation of healthy communities. Thousands of residents, nearly all of them Black or Brown, have faced the risks of COVID-19 without the dignity or safety of a home, and even more have lost jobs and are at risk of eviction and homelessness. The economic impacts of the pandemic affect all of us.

We believe that now is the time to make bold investments to alleviate the suffering and address the economic damage caused by the pandemic - and to take on the longstanding inequities that made the District and its residents vulnerable in the pandemic. The Community Foundation and The Partnership urge you to put forward a budget that assertively works to end chronic homelessness, protects our unsheltered neighbors, and that makes a significant investment in affordable housing for DC’s lowest-income households, which is the long-term solution to ending homelessness.

We acknowledge that the challenges of homelessness and affordable housing are great but also recognize that the District is a prosperous and caring city, with the resources and the leadership to be an example to the entire nation for racial justice and housing equity.

As leaders in the business, philanthropic, and nonprofit sectors, we write with both a moral call to action and a keen sense of what is best for the District’s future. Addressing homelessness and investing in deeply affordable housing is a matter of racial equity and social justice, and also a matter of efficient use of DC’s resources and building a healthy and growing city for all of us. As a result of decades of discrimination and systemic racism, nearly all of DC’s low-income renters with affordable housing needs are Black and Brown, as are nearly all DC residents facing homelessness. Addressing the housing needs of these residents is a key step to repairing the damage of systemic racism.

Our entire community and economy are stronger when everyone has stable, affordable, and decent housing. The strongest research shows that permanent supportive housing enables the most vulnerable residents experiencing homelessness to put their lives in order, and actually saves money by reducing reliance on costly emergency services. Affordable housing provides stability and security that contributes to better health, safety during pandemic, better nutrition, reduced stress and overall better mental health, workers who are able to get to their jobs, improved school outcomes for children, and more. 

The DC budget for Fiscal Year 2022 is perhaps the most consequential in our city’s history; the choices made will shape our recovery from the pandemic and have long-lasting impacts on the District’s vitality. 

We align with the recommendations of our advocacy partners in calling on the District to use the Fiscal Year 2022 budget for bold action on our deepest inequities, especially homelessness and affordable housing. 

End Homelessness

  • Invest $100 million to end chronic homelessness for 2,761 individuals and 432 families.

  • Grow Project Reconnect, the diversion program that helps individuals quickly exit from homelessness.

  • Ensure neighbors living outside are connected to crucial outreach services by funding at least at the FY 2021 level.

  • Continue to fund the Re-entry Housing Pilot for Returning Citizens at $1.8 million.

  • Ensure that every person who is at high risk of dying of COVID-19 is offered a placement in non-congregate shelter.

  • Provide Short-term Assistance to 1,820 individuals, including high-quality client-centered case management, rental, and other forms of financial assistance, and income supports and support with housing search.

Invest in Deeply Affordable Housing

  • Use federal stimulus funds to purchase hotels that can be used as non-congregate shelter during the pandemic and converted to Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) in the long term.

  • Expand Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) to support tenants who have been unable to pay rent and may not qualify for other rental assistance to at least $100 million.

  • Invest $60 million in public housing repairs to adequately address the ongoing maintenance and repair.

  • Maintain stable funding for the Housing Production Trust Fund of at least $104 million.

  • Invest $4 million in the Affordable Housing Production Fund to preserve affordable housing throughout the District.

  • Invest $17.33 million to provide tenant vouchers to 800 families.

  • Maintain $5 million in investments in the project-based component of the Local Rent Supplement Program (LRSP), to ensure the Housing Production Trust Fund serves extremely low-income residents (those below 30 percent of Area Median Income). 

We believe everyone deserves the dignity and safety of a home that they can afford. We believe that together we truly can end homelessness, and that DC will be stronger and better when we all come together to achieve that. Thank you again for your leadership. We urge you to make 2022 the year that DC makes bold and significant investments to end chronic homelessness and to increase the supply of deeply affordable housing.


David Roodberg
CEO and President, Horning Brothers
Partnership to End Homelessness, Leadership Council Co-Chair

Tonia Wellons
President and CEO, Greater Washington Community Foundation
Partnership to End Homelessness, Leadership Council Co-Chair

First Ladies of The Community Foundation

This month, in honor of Women’s History month, we are celebrating the remarkable women of The Community Foundation who’ve helped shape our history. Many were First Ladies to the President of the United States—a special, historical relationship we’ve nurtured through the years. Here are a few of their stories.

Rosalynn Carter’s Precedent of Support


In 1978, First Lady Rosalynn Carter left Camp David during President Jimmy Carter’s 13-day peace summit, which helped to broker the first-ever peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Mrs. Carter went back to the White House to host a luncheon for business leaders to rally support for the Community Foundation of Greater Washington–then just five years old. She gained support of many corporate and philanthropic leaders, including the Ford Foundation, that set a precedent for our early organization to grow into a champion of thriving communities today. 

In 2019, Danielle Yates, our Managing Director of Marketing and Communications, got the chance to meet Mrs. Carter and former President Jimmy Carter at their church in Georgia (pictured left). 

Barbara Bush’s Literacy Legacy 


While former First Lady Barbara Bush had many passions, none was more personally identified with her than teaching children and their parents to read. Aware of The Community Foundation’s successful record of managing charitable funds for other national figures, in 1989, Mrs. Bush asked us to help establish her literacy organization.

The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy aimed to establish literacy as a value in every family in America; and, help families understand that the home is the child’s first school, with the parent as the child’s first teacher and reading as their first subject. In total, the Foundation awarded more than $40 million in grants to support the development and expansion of more than 900 literacy programs in 50 states and the District of Columbia.  

While The Community Foundation is no longer home to the Barbara Bush Foundation (the Fund closed in 2011), Mrs. Bush’s legacy lives on. You can find more information at www.barbarabushlegacy.org

The Laura Bush Foundation for American Libraries


In 2001, Laura Bush helped continue and expand the family’s literacy legacy by establishing the Laura Bush Foundation for American Libraries at The Community Foundation. A former teacher and librarian, Mrs. Bush has long championed the importance of reading as the foundation of all learning.

The Foundation helps students in our nation’s neediest schools by awarding grants to school libraries in an effort to improve student achievement. Funds support these libraries in extending, updating, and diversifying their book and print collections. 

The Laura Bush Foundation transitioned to Dallas, Texas in 2014, where it is now managed as a restricted fund of the George W. Bush Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.

In 2007, we celebrated Mrs. Bush as our Civic Spirit honoree, an award which recognizes a community member who embodies the spirit of philanthropy.

Advancing Housing Justice

Over the past year we have seen the impact of strong advocacy and organizing efforts, both here in DC, and across the country. In DC, undocumented workers who were left out of traditional unemployment insurance and other public aid, successfully advocated for financial assistance through the DC Cares Program, which has issued over $14 million in relief funding. Thanks to advocates here and across the country, we have also seen rental assistance and renter protections included in local and federal legislation.

Yet, as this crisis continues, we know there is still work to be done. In DC, many neighbors are behind on rent and people experiencing homelessness remain at high risk. A new study shows that housing for all and eviction moratoriums could have saved 164,000 lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. This evidence demonstrates what we already know: that housing is healthcare, and housing saves lives. As private philanthropy and as individuals, our resources are limited but by supporting advocacy and organizing, we can both leverage our investments and shift power to those closest to the work and best able to identify solutions.

Announcing New Grants to Nonprofits Advancing Housing Justice

This month, we are incredibly excited to announce $310,000 in grants awarded to 7 DC organizations that are working to increase resources to end homelessness and to advocate for policies and funding to increase the supply of deeply affordable housing in DC.

As a part of our commitment to racial equity and addressing racial disparities, we prioritized efforts developed and led by communities most impacted by homelessness and housing instability. We know that by supporting these efforts, we can continue to build power in these communities and move toward the transformational change needed to ensure everyone has housing they can afford.

Join Us to Stand for Change

In addition to our grantmaking, we will continue to advocate for the issues that impact our neighbors experiencing homelessness and housing instability. On March 17 at 12 noon, we are hosting a virtual panel, Standing for Change: Advocating for Housing Justice, a special conversation discussing how you can help advocate for housing justice. We’ll examine how we can work together to advocate for a more healthy and equitable community through stable housing.

Thank you for standing with us. We look forward to your continued partnership as we work to end homelessness in DC.

Down Payment Grants for a More Just Future

At The Community Foundation, we are proud to partner with Flock DC, a DC-based real estate firm, on the birdSEED Foundation, a new housing justice program offering targeted home-buying assistance to Black and Brown DC residents. BirdSEED is responding to a history where Black people have long been denied access to opportunities for homeownership and/or targeted by predatory lending practices. Learn more about the fund and how to apply on their website.

About the Partnership to End Homelessness

The Partnership to End Homelessness, led by the Greater Washington Community Foundation and the District Government’s Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH), brings together the public and private sectors to ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring in DC. We believe that all DC residents deserve a safe, stable, and affordable place to call home.

By joining together, we will increase the supply of deeply affordable housing, help everyone find a home they can afford, and help more people access housing and exit homelessness more quickly.

Get Involved

Every action, whether large or small, can make a difference in ending homelessness. Visit EndHomelessnessDC.org and sign up to receive updates on ways to get involved.

Partnership to End Homelessness Awards $310,000 to Nonprofits Advancing Housing Justice

PTEH Housing Justice.jpg

The Partnership to End Homelessness (The Partnership) is pleased to announce $310,000 in grants awarded to 7 organizations leading advocacy and organizing efforts focused on DC. Selected nonprofits will receive up to $50,000 in funding to support work to end homelessness and increase the supply of deeply affordable housing for DC residents.

The Partnership prioritized efforts developed and led by people with lived experience and people most directly impacted, and collaborative efforts that coordinate strategies and messaging across organizations and issue areas. These grants were made possible thanks to generous partners and donors to the Grantmaking Fund

Learn more about how our partners are working to end homelessness and advancing housing justice. 

Ending Chronic Homelessness

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Currently, there are 2,761 individuals in DC who have experienced homelessness for over a year and are living with severe health issues. Miriam’s Kitchen received $50,000 to advocate for resources and policies to address these pressing issues. The grant will support the organization’s budget and policy advocacy, and work through The Way Home Campaign. We know that housing is healthcare and that housing saves lives – and are proud to support their housing justice efforts. Learn more and join their advocacy efforts.

“As an organization working to end chronic homelessness, we are grateful for the Partnership to End Homelessness’ support of our advocacy work. The causes of homelessness are systemic and so too must be the solutions. This support will help us to challenge the systems that have created DC’s homelessness crisis, dismantle barriers to exiting homelessness, secure life-saving housing resources, and ensure that those closest to the issue are at the forefront of our advocacy work.” -Lara Pukatch,  Director of Advocacy

Centering People Directly Impacted

Fair Budget Coalition (FBC) brings together advocates, service providers, and people directly affected by poverty and housing instability to advocate for budget and public policy initiatives that address poverty and human needs in DC. FBC received a $50,000 grant to support budget advocacy and organizing around homelessness, deeply affordable housing, and permanent supportive housing (PSH) in DC. We’re proud to support FBC as they fight for a fairer budget that is restorative and prioritizes racial justice.  Learn more about their current budget advocacy here

“As advocacy has transitioned to digital spaces, it is clear that the barriers to constituent engagement have increased. Through support from the Partnership to End Homelessness, we will be able to democratize access to budget information and budget spaces through our virtual popular education series, constituent stipends, and technology/tech support for constituents hoping to engage in budget advocacy. This is critical in ensuring that the people most directly impacted by housing policy are centered in the decision-making regarding funding and the future of housing in DC. " -Stephanie Sneed, Executive Director 

 Advocacy and Organizing Grantees

  • DC Action 

  • DC Jobs with Justice 

  • District Of Columbia Grassroots Empowerment Project Incorporated – Empower DC 

  • Fair Budget Coalition 

  • Miriam's Kitchen 

  • ONE DC: Organizing Neighborhood Equity 

  • The Washington Legal Clinic For The Homeless Inc 

About the Partnership to End Homelessness

The Partnership to End Homelessness in DC, led by the Greater Washington Community Foundation, is the first-of-its-kind initiative in the District to bring together the public and private sectors to ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring. By joining together, we can increase the supply of deeply affordable housing, bolster our response system to help more people obtain and maintain stable housing, and ultimately end homelessness in DC.

Down Payment Grants for a More Just Future

By Lisa Wise, CEO and Founder of Nest DC

Home ownership is simply life changing. Homeowners enjoy stability and security, appreciation and wealth generation and fixed costs vs. year over year increases in rent. They unlock tax perks, appreciation and agency. A home of one’s own should not be a privilege enjoyed by some and left out of reach for the rest - particularly when those excluded are often Black, indegenous, and/or people of color. 

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in the first quarter of 2020, 44% of Black families owned their homes, as compared with 73.7% of white families. And while DC enjoys the highest rate of homeownership among Black households at 50%, it’s still far less than white households, 70% of whom are homeowners.

This wealth gap, inequity and (by design) power imbalance needs to be challenged mightily. And those of us in the real estate industry should be called upon to contribute meaningfully to a more just and equitable future. Indeed, many who have benefited the most from these discriminatory policies have indirectly done so at the expense of many.


Nest DC, our family of real estate management companies, launched the birdSEED Fund in partnership with The Community Foundation to start a new narrative. The fund is seeded with $215,000 for down payment grants - money never to be repaid and earmarked - for first-time Black and Brown home buyers. Grants will range from $5,000 to $15,000 at a time, for those who have been historically excluded from the wealth generating acquisition of homes.  

We want to acknowledge just how much we have to repair in this industry - and we’re initiating this conversation by first investing in our community. 

I have been managing homes for over 30 years. I experienced housing insecurity growing up and have always been drawn to this work. Managing property with empathy and kindness has been my North Star from the start. 

At Nest DC, we’ve chosen to honor people and place over profit. We embrace the communities and neighborhoods that knit together our portfolio. birdSEED and our housing justice work aligns with our values system, and gives us a very specific pathway to helping people with our profits and passion. 

To get there, we are thrilled to partner with the Greater Washington Community Foundation. Their support and commitment to justice, local investments and dignified housing offer a powerful alignment that will help accelerate our impact. With their sophisticated fund management, they allow us to stay focused on grantmaking while they help manage the administrative complexity of the work and reach the right partners. This partnership allows our 100% volunteer-led program to be effective and accessible.  

birdSEED LOGO.png

<— Our birdSEED logo is an homage to the peace and love the dove represents.  We’ll continue to fly high for justice - and hope you will join us in this important work.  


birdSEED is now open to Black and Brown first-time home buying residents in the DC area. The application/review process is deliberately uncomplicated. A board of advisors will review applications and we will match funds with qualified applicants. Grantees can have a combined household income up to $150,000 and must be first-time home buyers and plan to occupy the home. We offer 120 days to use the funds, which are released at closing and are compliant with mortgage lending guidelines. Apply at https://birdseedfoundation.com


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Lisa Wise, CEO and Founder of Nest DC, describes herself as a serial entrepreneur with a social justice lens. Over the last 30 years, all of her professional experiences have been cause-driven, community-based and geared towards improving the lives of others. Lisa leads Nest, with a focus on giving back to communities and populations that are underserved or underrepresented. 

Day to day, Lisa oversees the strategic direction of Nest DC. In particular, she manages strategic partnerships for long term growth and sustainability, leads philanthropic efforts, partners with the heads of sales and client experience managers at all business units to make sure they continue to deliver on their commitment to exceptional customer service and instills a company culture that has led to an industry low turnover rate and a team that is committed for the long haul.

Quarterly Update to the Community

Dear friends of The Community Foundation,

I hope this finds you enjoying a happy and healthy start to your new year. Thanks to the continued care for our community, last quarter our community of givers awarded more than $23+ million in grants to organizations serving our region and beyond.

The Community Foundation remains focused on meeting our community’s evolving needs through leading critical community impact initiatives. Last quarter, our activities included:

  • Issuing an additional $2 million in grants from the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, for a total of $10 million to address the public health and economic crisis.

  • Funding equity hub scholarships through the Children’s Opportunity Fund for low-income families in Montgomery County to receive childcare and remote learning support in a safe environment.

  • In partnership with FSC First, distributing more than $1 million in emergency relief to support 173 small businesses in Prince George’s County through the Legacy Fund.

  • Celebrating the Power of Our Community with virtual convenings reflecting on the heart and spirit of our communities in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

  • Welcoming experts on racial equity and community building to our board and staff, including new Trustee Dr. Rashawn Ray and new Managing Director of Community Investment Ronnie Galvin.

Our collective efforts have been recognized with several notable awards. I was proud to represent all of you when accepting the Washington Business Journal’s Nonprofit Leader of the Year award and I was humbled to be named a Hero of the Crisis by Washingtonian Magazine. And, our partnership with CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield received the Washington Business Journal's 2020 Citizenship Award for our efforts to distribute thousands of PPE units to frontline workers at qualified health clinics across the region.

As our community continues to recover from this crisis, we are working to build a more equitable and resilient future for our region. With this in mind, we have embarked on a strategic planning process to identify ways to develop a fresh roadmap for the organization and how we serve this community.

Over the next several months, we will examine and fine-tune our organizational processes to serve our fundholders and our community with strengthened excellence and efficiency. We will also get crystal clear about our strategy, how to best center racial equity, and what it means to be a regional organization with the need for local, jurisdictional, and community nuance. And we will look at how we partner with our donors and fundholders so that we can fully and thoughtfully leverage your philanthropic passions into lasting community impact. 

I look forward to sharing an update with you soon. Thank you for being our partner in strengthening our communities now and for the future.

Tonia Wellons
President and CEO

COVID-19 Partners Advance Food Security and Equity in Region

More than 15% of residents in our region struggle with food insecurity—and we anticipate this only getting worse as the cold winter months continue. In response to this emergency community need, we recently distributed an additional $2.04 million in phase 3 grants from our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, helping support local nonprofits that are providing food assistance, as well as childcare, eviction prevention, and unemployment support.

Our nonprofit partners have stepped up to feed our community, and we are excited to share a few of their stories. Read on for more.

Community Outreach and Development CDC

Community Outreach and Development CDC, a Prince George’s County-based nonprofit, works to provide quality services so residents can become self-sufficient, productive members of our community. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization has expanded their food assistance program to deliver to over 1,000 households who are homebound, including seniors and those who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. 

“Elderly individuals called our agency thanking us for our delivery service, especially during a time when persons were anxious about being in the public and they had underlying medical conditions. One family called stating that they tested positive for COVID-19 and had no groceries. We were able to assist that family with two weeks' worth of food while going through isolation, and provided a tub of cleaning products to help with disinfecting their home.”  -Community Outreach and Development CDC staff member

 In the below, short impact video, Corae Young, Assistant Director of Community Outreach and Development, shares more of their story.

Dreaming Out Loud

Since the onset of COVID-19, Dreaming Out Loud (DOL) quickly pivoted their program model to include meal preparation for vulnerable populations, as well as supporting mutual aid programs for residents across Wards 1, 7, and 8. This directly supports this local nonprofit’s mission—creating economic opportunities for the DC metro region’s marginalized communities through building a healthy, equitable food system.

With support from The Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, DOL provided logistics and coordination support to provide more than 200,000 meals. And, they procured produce from Black BIPOC farmers, and helped maintain community-based hires to pack and distribute food. In total, their direct COVID-19 food support has served an average of 2,000 people per week to DC residents.

“This grant allowed DOL to add capacity to support food aid to thousands of DC residents,” said Christopher Bradshaw, Executive Director. 

“It was very important the way that the food aid resources were deployed. They supported Black food makers and workers and farmers, hiring from within the community – while reaching vulnerable residents with healthy, delicious food. This is in line with our mission of creating economic opportunities within marginalized communities, while building a health equitable food system.” 

Institute for Public Health Innovation

The Institute for Public Health Innovation is focused on improving the public’s health and well-being, across Northern Virginia, Maryland, and DC. And with our region’s current food security crisis, that includes providing urgent food assistance to those in need. In response to COVID-19, the Institute has:

  • Provided grant writing and development support for food assistance providers

  • Developed an extensive COVID-19 resource hub for food access on their website

  • Developed a partnership with La Clinica Del Pueblo that allows us to refer requests for food assistance support form Spanish speaking residents to support staff at the organization

  • Acted as a liaison between donors, food providers, and Council members to help coordinate large donations

…among many others. In partnership with World Central Kitchen and National Philanthropies, the Institute was able to provide county partners with over 10,000 meals served weekly from April to June, and 8,000 weekly for the months of July and August.

“We were able to leverage our deep relationships with food and farm stakeholders, regional organizations, and county agencies to lead the County’s COVID-19 emergency food response. Support from the Greater Washington Community Foundation enabled us to quickly build staffing capacity and launch new initiatives,” said Sydney Daigle, Food Equity Council Director. 

“The programs we have launched during our grant period will support residents during the pandemic and during our County's recovery.” 

Statement on Assault on our democracy

Statement from Tonia Wellons, President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation

Yesterday was a sad day in America.

Our democracy has never been perfect. In fact, a healthy democracy thrives on debate and the productive exchange of ideas in the public square – sometimes vigorously. However, what we just witnessed yesterday in our Nation’s Capital is far from the kind of democracy that our founders fought for and so many of us aspire to uphold.

I have spent the better part of my career working in developing and transitional countries where democracy was fledgling and tenuous at best, and never once witnessed the attempted overthrow of government that we experienced at the seat of our democracy yesterday. On behalf of the Greater Washington Community Foundation, I want to strongly condemn the violent attack on the U.S. Congress and Capitol complex, the beacon of our nation and its democratic systems.

The brazen actions of these rioters were a blatant attempt to reverse the results of a free and fair democratic election. Those who seek to wreak havoc in our city and to desecrate our democratic institutions cannot and will not prevail. It is no longer sufficient to say, ‘this isn’t our America.’ It is, unfortunately!

And yet, the chaos of the day in our Nation’s Capital offered a stark contradiction to the victories hard won in Georgia. Victories obtained through grassroots organizing and through participatory governance; a cornerstone of our democracy. This too, is our America.

Many are resigned to view Washington, DC as a federal city and the seat of our democracy, and too often forget that this area is also home to thousands of people who chose to live, work, and raise their families in a prosperous region. As the CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation, which serves DC and its surrounding suburban communities, I know the DC region to be a place with a strong sense of community and a passion for social justice and philanthropy.

In our local community, I have been heartened to see momentum building for an equitable recovery and a move toward a deeper experience of our humanity and the manifestation of justice. But as the civil unrest that unfolded earlier this summer and the racial inequities exposed and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis have shown us, we still have a long way to go until we truly realize the principles and ideals that “all men [and women] are created equal” and entitled to “certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

While we are concerned and abhorred by yesterday’s events, and all the circumstances leading up to it, the Greater Washington Community Foundation family will not be deterred from our work to ensure a future where we all have an equal opportunity to thrive. At The Community Foundation, we understand the needs and challenges facing our local community and will continue to focus our energy and resources on addressing inequities in housing, education, employment, medical care, and more. We are resolute in our commitment to creating an equitable, just, and thriving region, and will not fall prey to the distraction and disruption others would seek to create.

Those working to undermine our democracy want chaos. We choose community.

Partnership to End Homelessness Update: A Year in Review

Partnership to End Homelessness Orgs.png

This year, our work to end homelessness in DC has been more critical than ever, as our neighbors without housing were at greater risk of contracting COVID-19, on top of the risks people experiencing homelessness face every day. Throughout 2020, and always, our focus has been on working with our partners to look at the efforts happening across the city and to identify strategic opportunities for investment.

So, this holiday season, as we reflect on our first full calendar year of the Partnership to End Homelessness, we want to say thank you. Thank you to our donors who trusted us to stay informed and to make strategic investments that will result in fewer people experiencing homelessness and more people maintaining safe and affordable housing. Thank you to our nonprofit partners on the frontlines working to make sure our neighbors have food, shelter, medical care, and other basic necessities, in such a scary and uncertain time. And finally, thank you to our government partners who are working tirelessly to respond and direct resources where they are needed most.

Volunteers for Church of the Epiphany, a COVID-19 Response Fund partner, hand out food and supplies topeople experiencing homelessness

Volunteers for Church of the Epiphany, a COVID-19 Response Fund partner, hand out food and supplies topeople experiencing homelessness

a year in review

With your help, this year we have provided over $1.25 million in grants to organizations supporting individuals and families experiencing homelessness and housing instability during the pandemic. These grants included COVID-19 response partners Mi Casa Inc., which provides long-term support and critical housing resources; the Church of the Epiphany, which provides food to people experiencing homelessness in the community; and Bethesda Cares, which provides case management and counseling services. You can learn more about these partners and others here.

In addition to our grantmaking, since 2019 we have supported the development and preservation of over 530 affordable homes through our partnership with Enterprise Community Loan Fund. These investments will create long-term housing options for our neighbors and help to preserve and increase the supply of deeply affordable housing in DC.

Together, we have continued to invest in the strength of our system and helped to provide our neighbors without housing access to healthy meals and medical care when they needed it most. Even in uncertain times, we remain committed to supporting the creation of processes and systems that will help people exit homelessness more quickly or avoid homelessness altogether.

As we head into the new year, we know that tens of thousands of our neighbors are behind on rent and at risk of eviction. We know we must continue our emergency response, while also investing in long-term solutions and systems change that will mean less people experiencing homelessness and a more equitable response for those that do.

COVID-19 Response Fund partner Mi Casa Inc. works with Girard House Co-op to preserve affordable housing

COVID-19 Response Fund partner Mi Casa Inc. works with Girard House Co-op to preserve affordable housing

Ways to join us

Next year, keep an eye out as we ramp up our advocacy work and continue to coordinate with our public and private sector partners. As Congress appears to be moving forward on a new COVID-19 relief package, join us in sending a message to your Members of Congress to let them know that now, more than ever, we must make investments that ensure everyone has housing where they can isolate to stay healthy, continue their education, and work to address other needs.

We hope this year, in addition to supporting the amazing frontline providers in our community, we can count on you to support our work as we continue to identify strategic investments to ensure everyone has safe and stable housing.

So once again, thank you. Thank you for all you have done this year and for joining us in our efforts to make sure that no one in DC experiences homelessness and that everyone has housing they can afford.

About the Partnership to End Homelessness

The Partnership to End Homelessness, led by the Greater Washington Community Foundation and the District Government’s Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH), brings together the public and private sectors to ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring in DC. We believe that all DC residents deserve a safe, stable, and affordable place to call home.

By joining together, we will increase the supply of deeply affordable housing, help everyone find a home they can afford, and help more people access housing and exit homelessness more quickly.

Get Involved

Every action, whether large or small, can make a difference in ending homelessness. Visit EndHomelessnessDC.org to learn more.

This blog post is from the Partnership to End Homelessness newsletter. Sign up here to receive these quarterly updates.

A Year of Impact: Top 10 Stories of 2020

#1: Tonia Wellons Named Hero of the Crisis, Nonprofit Leader of the Year

It’s been a busy year for Community Foundation staff—especially for Tonia Wellons, who was named permanent President and CEO just weeks after the pandemic hit. Tonia was recently named Washington Business Journal’s 2020 Nonprofit Leader of the Year for her role and leadership in our region’s COVID-19 Response efforts; and “Hero of the Crisis” from Washingtonian Magazine. We are so proud of Tonia, and the incredible leadership she’s provided throughout this crisis. 

#2: COVID Impact Stories: Bringing Partner Voices to Life 

This special video highlights our COVID-19 nonprofit partners’ impact —and thanks donors for their incredible generosity and support throughout this crisis. 

Highlights are pulled from our individual, 2-minute COVID impact story videos, including local organizations like Black Swan, Generation Hope and Montgomery Hospice. Click here to access a full list of videos—and hear more of our nonprofit partner’s stories first-hand. 

 #3 Your Voices Matters: VoicesDMV On the Table Conversations

This WDVM segment highlights how VoicesDMV On the Table conversations brought together residents throughout the DMV area to talk about ideas for improving their communities.

On October 1, we hosted our inaugural VoicesDMV On the Table conversations, bringing together hundreds of residents from across the region for small-group conversations, remotely. Groups discussed and reimagined the future of our community, offering meaningful, action-oriented perspective on how to improve the lives of our neighbors in the DMV. Read more from Benton Murphy, Senior Advisor for Impact, who led the initiative.

#4: Arts Forward Fund Announces $1 Million in Grants to Local Arts Groups Impacted by COVID-19

This fall, together with the Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation and 16 other foundations and individual donors, we launched the Arts Forward Fund, an initiative to help local arts and culture organizations weather the impact of COVID-19. We were so excited to announce $1 million in grants from the fund, helping arts and culture nonprofits make essential shifts needed to sustain their work—and respond to the national movement for racial justice. 

 #5: Back to School Means Facing the Digital Divide


As remote learning continues, schools still don’t have enough devices for every student, and too many homes in DC lack access to high-speed internet. Together with the DC Public Education Fund and Education Forward DC, we established the DC Education Equity Fund, which has provided 4,000+ students with internet access. and 3,000+ students with personal devices. Read more in “Back to School Means Facing the Digital Divide,” by our partner Erin Sheehy of Education Forward DC. 

#6: #MakeADifference Mondays

This bi-weekly blog series features our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund partners’ stories, grouped by funding priority: housing and homelessness, medical care and access, education and youth, domestic and community violence, and workforce and small business. Take our #MakeADifference Monday: Housing and Homelessness blog, for example, which includes a feature on Mi-Casa, Inc.:

Through its Emergency Rental Assistance and Tenant-Based Rental Assistance programs, [Mi Casa] helped more than 15 residents access critical housing resources. More than 400 households received virtual trainings around financial education, food banks, unemployment benefits, and the financial effects of the pandemic.

Read our blog for a full list of our #MakeADifference Monday posts, sharing the difference your support has made for our community.

#7: How to Reconstruct an Equitable Future for Our Region

In this opinion piece for the Washington Post, our President and CEO Tonia Wellons and Ursula Wright, Managing Director for FSG, explore a new framework for reconstructing a more equitable future for our region. In the article, they refer to our country’s current situation as a “trifecta of crises” that threatens our nation’s public health, economic security, and democracy. 

Though this pandemic is new, racism and economic injustice are not. The pandemic has served to further reveal preexisting inequities in housing, education, health care, food security, policing and criminal justice, income and employment.

 #8: Celebrating Three Leadership Legacies


Richard Bynum, board member and President of PNC in Greater Washington and Virginia, was honored by the Washington Business Journal with the Minority Business Leader Award—an honor that coincided with two other major board member milestones. Dr. Charlene Dukes, Secretary of our Board, retired as President of Prince George’s Community College after 13 years of service. And Artis Hampshire-Cowan, Vice Chair of our Board, was honored by Leadership Greater Washington as the 2020 Leader of the Year.

Read more about their achievements and success stories. 

#9: Legacy Fund Supports Small Businesses in Prince George’s County

This fall, we were proud to launch The Legacy Fund for Small Business Development, seeded with a $1 million gift directed by Sam Brin and support from Meridiam, to provide critically needed access to capital for small businesses in Prince George’s County—one of the hardest hit groups in the County. We have disseminated $1 million in relief funds to 173 small Prince George’s County small businesses, helping them minimize vulnerability to closure and enabling them to thrive. 

#10: Celebrating the Power of Our Community

It’s been challenging year, but our community stepped up in amazing, awe-inspiring ways. Our community recently came together to celebrate these efforts at the Power of Our Community, Montgomery County and Power of Our Community, Prince George’s County, two virtual convenings that applauded the cooperative spirit of these communities and the collective impact of our work.

Read our Power of Our Community recap to watch the event recordings and view our key-takeaways and impact video updates.

Fund for Children, Youth And Families Awards $1.99 Million to Greater Washington Region Nonprofits

The Fund for Children, Youth, and Families (FFCYF) at the Greater Washington Community Foundation is pleased to announce $1.99 million in grants to 49 nonprofit organizations serving disadvantaged children, youth, and families across the Greater Washington region. The organizations will receive grants of up to $50,000 for project/program support or general operating support.

These grants support organizations that are:

  • Helping families experiencing homelessness, and those participating in housing-based service programs

  • Closing the achievement gap for students from various racial and ethnic backgrounds

  • Closing the achievement gap between low-income and high-income families by investing in early childhood education, academic achievement for school-aged children, and college preparation and career training

  • Supporting children in the foster care system by promoting permanency and helping youth leaving the system achieve self-sufficiency

Watch coverage of our FFCYF grants in this Local WDVM segment

Watch coverage of our FFCYF grants in this Local WDVM segment


Take the Wesley Housing Development Corporation, for instance, awarded funding to help low-income households avoid eviction. The grant will help 139 households in DC to maintain their housing. Of these households, nearly 50 residents will participate in one-on-one career coaching to attain unemployment benefits or re-enter the workforce. And, they will receive material assistance, such as grocery store gift cards, hygiene items, and youth “Study & Snack Packs,” at no additional cost.

Or, CollegeTracks, a Montgomery County nonprofit that that helps prepare high school students for higher education. Our grant will help fund their College Access Program, focusing on college admissions and counseling. Of the 784 students who were enrolled in the program in Spring 2020, nearly 630 will enroll in college within a year of their high school graduation.

Our grant to Prince George’s Child Resource Center will provide child development and parent/child learning activities for 95 participants, with the goal of improved language and cognitive abilities. Within one year, we also anticipate participating parents to demonstrate an improved understanding of nurturing parenting techniques.

These are just a couple organizations and projects that we’re proud to support. Below, read on for a full list of our FFCYF grantees and their projects.

  • Adoption Together
    To host informational meetings on foster care and adoption with 250 prospective families

  • AHC, Inc.
    To support the development of literacy and social engagement skills for 112 students in its afterschool program

  • Aspire Afterschool Learning
    To support 80 children in its LearningROCKS! afterschool program

  • Center for Adoption Support and Education
    To provide therapy sessions for 33 children who are moving from the foster care system into permanent, loving families

  • Central American Resource Center
    To provide housing counseling services to help 50 participants maintain stable housing

  • Children’s Law Center
    To provide legal support and other service to help children grow up in permanent, stable, loving families

  • Collaborative Solutions for Communities
    To help 12 families transition to permanent housing

  • CollegeTracks
    To help almost 800 high school seniors enroll in college or vocational programs

  • Community of Hope
    To help 14 families in remain stably housed or transition to another positive housing situation

  • Cornerstones
    To help 25 families move into stable, permanent housing

  • Court Appointed Special Advocate - Montgomery County, MD
    To recruit and train 100 additional CASA volunteers

  • Court Appointed Special Advocate - Prince George's County, MD
    To increase capacity for its Transitioning Youth program

  • Court Appointed Special Advocates – Fairfax County, VA
    To provide the services of a CASA volunteer to 292 children

  • DC Bilingual Public Charter School
    To enroll 34 children in PK-3

  • DC Volunteer Lawyers Project
    To train 38 volunteer lawyers to offer 140 victims legal and/or advocacy assistance

  • District Alliance for Safe Housing
    To assist families through its Cornerstone Program, Empowerment Project and Survivor Resilience Fund

  • District of Columbia Appleseed Center for Law and Justice
    To improve the capacity of the District's 2,300 early childhood educators to identify children at risk for developmental disabilities

  • Doorways for Women & Families
    To provide safe housing, life skills and employment services to 30 households experiencing homelessness

  • Edgewood Brookland Family Support Collaborative
    To help 80 families and individuals obtain or retain stable housing

  • Family and Youth Initiative
    To match four teens with an adoptive family

  • Friends of the National Arboretum
    To provide career awareness workshops to youth from low-income communities

  • Generation Hope
    To offer college readiness workshops, application and enrollment services, and ongoing support throughout college for 170 teen parents

  • Good Shepherd Housing & Family Services, Inc.
    To place 90 vulnerable and homeless participant families in affordable housing

  • Healthy Babies Project
    To help pregnant/parenting youth find stable housing and create educational or job readiness plans

  • Homeless Children's Playtime Project
    To increase the number of advocacy coalition partners and expand support services for children in families experiencing homelessness

  • Homestretch
    To provide debt and financial services and help four homeless adults transition to stable housing

  • Hope House
    To provide college preparation services to high school students and ongoing support to students while in college

  • Housing Up
    To help 686 families obtain and/or maintain stable housing

  • Identity, Inc.
    To help 50 students demonstrate improvement or achieve their grade-level target in key literacy skills

  • International Rescue Committee
    To help 70 refugees increase their incomes through public benefits and securing entry-level jobs

  • Legal Aid Justice Center
    To provide housing-related legal services to more than 300 households

  • Main Street Child Development Center
    To help children achieve or make progress toward school readiness goals

  • Mental Health Association of Frederick County
    To close 15 cases and place foster children in permanent homes

  • Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless
    To help 126 families maintain stable, permanent housing through its Partnership for Permanent Housing (PPH) program

  • Neighborhood Legal Services Program of The District of Columbia
    To provide low-income DC residents and homeless families with legal and housing services

  • Northern Virginia Family Service
    To help 130 households transition from homelessness into temporary housing or from temporary into permanent housing

  • Prince George's Child Resource Center
    To provide child development and parent/child learning activities that improve language and cognitive abilities for 95 participants

  • Reach Education
    To help high school and elementary students develop and grow their literacy skills

  • Rising for Justice
    To help 1,500 tenants and their families avoid eviction

  • Sasha Bruce Youthwork
    To support homeless youth and runaways with housing and family strengthening services

  • Stop Child Abuse Now of Northern Virginia
    To help 75 children served by the CASA program achieve permanency in their family placements

  • Shelter House
    To help 19 families achieve housing, public benefits and income stability through its RISE program

  • Stepping Stones Shelter
    To help 30 families move into stable housing and increase their income

  • Survivors and Advocates for Empowerment (DC SAFE)
    To assist 300 participants in successfully moving to safe transitional or permanent housing

  • The Arc Prince George's County
    To support more than 40 participants with training and employment services through its Project SEARCH and Ready@21 programs

  • The Barker Adoption Foundation
    To provide clients with lifelong services and advocate for ethical, respectful and child-centered adoption practices

  • The Platform of Hope
    To help 60 low-income families develop life goals, increase their resource networks and participate in programs that help achieve their goals

  • Voices for Virginia's Children
    To collect and distribute data-driven information to policy makers and support 1,000 children in the foster care system

  • Wesley Housing Development Corporation
    To help 139 low-income households avoid eviction and maintain housing

About the Fund for Children, Youth And Families

The Fund for Children, Youth and Families (FFCYF) was established to invest in the betterment of underserved children, youth, and families across the greater Washington region - specifically, to invest in organizations achieving significant impact providing services and programming across the following program areas: Stable Homes Stable Families, Foster Care and Adoption, and Academic and Career Success. Through its grantmaking, the fund supports effective organizations working to make the community healthy and stable. Please visit www.fund4cyf.org for more information.

Deciding which charity to support doesn’t have to be hard. These tips will help.

Giving Tuesday is a global movement that’s more important now than ever - and every act of generosity counts.

Not sure where to begin? In her interview with The Washington Post, Anna Hargrave, Executive Director for our Montgomery County office, offers giving tips to get you started - beginning with what moves you.

#MakeADifference Monday: Medical Care

These past several months, while exceptionally challenging at times, have also been inspiring. We’ve seen our community come together to care for our neighbors in need, springing into action to support those most adversely affected by the pandemic.

Through our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, were able to invest $10 million to support low-wage workers who have been laid off, expand access to medical care, provide shelter and services to people experiencing homelessness, increase food access, and so much more. This would not be possible without our compassionate donors – a diverse group of individuals and businesses who helped us mobilize $10 million for coordinated relief and recovery efforts. Thank you for standing with us to make a difference.

You can read about our impact here – and, below, learn more about how our nonprofit partners helped create this impact. Their stories of kindness and courage are truly inspiring.

Care for Your Health, Inc.

Care for Your Health believes that every single patient who receives adequate medical care is a win for the whole community.

As the pandemic grew and Care for Your Health staff began working remotely, the organization knew it was critical to support its staff with high-speed Internet, since most activities were pivoting to telemedicine. As a COVID-19 Response Fund grantee, they also received funding for office supplies, stamps and other essential items needed to serve the low-income and uninsured communities of Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties.

We have effectively taken care of our clients’ primary care medical problems, either via telemedicine or with visits from the nurse practitioner and the physician. In relation to the 80 new patients incorporated into our practice during the pandemic, we have tested them for COVID-19, attended to their medical problems, and referred them to other health providers and social workers when appropriate.

CCI Health & Wellness Services

Personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 test kits are a key component of fighting COVID-19—as well as software that allows telehealth visits. As CCI Health & Wellness pivoted to better serve its community during the early stages of the pandemic, our COVID-19 Response grant allowed them to focus on shoring up equipment, processes and guidelines. Notable milestones include:

  • Establishing workflows and designating separate space for persons under investigation and those testing positive for COVID-19

  • Installing sneeze safety guards that form a dividing wall to better separate symptomatic and non-symptomatic patients

  • Implementing routine deep cleaning at all health centers on a weekly basis and on demand in response to virus outbreaks in staff areas

  • Placing respiratory hygiene stations in all health center waiting rooms

  • Purchasing PPE for health center personnel

  • Testing for COVID-19 at three health center locations and securing all supplies necessary to stand up temporary testing sites at four health center locations

Montgomery Hospice, Inc.

Providing quality, compassionate end-of-life care is critical. Hundreds of individuals in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties are coping with terminal illnesses and require specialized care—and the COVID-19 pandemic presents many challenges in doing so.

Montgomery Hospice, Inc. used its Emergency Response Fund grant to provide quality care for terminally ill coronavirus-positive patients at Casey House, an inpatient facility.


During the grant period, patients received comprehensive, compassionate care, and they and their families were protected from infection. Furthermore, our services reduce patients’ use of other healthcare resources, especially hospitals, that are strained by the pandemic.

Total Family Care Coalition

Total Family Care Coalition aims to help keep families together for a better and safer community.

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted life as we know it, particularly when caring for loved ones. Families are experiencing stress and exacerbated mental health challenges as a result of unemployment and financial instability. Youth are experiencing increased exposure to poor parenting, domestic violence, and child abuse and neglect.

[The Community Foundation’s] funds made a huge difference to the community. Children could eat. Parents were able to reduce anxiety and increase self-care techniques such as mindfulness to increase positive parenting.

With funding from the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, Total Family Care Coalition:

  • Served more than 275 individuals including 112 children, 85 adults and 80 families

  • Kept its doors open and responded immediately to families’ needs

  • Helped parents receive appropriate mental health medication they could help their small children

  • Kept one single, young mom from taking her own life by consistently reaching out and letting her know that she and her baby are loved

Tonia Wellons Named Nonprofit Leader of the Year by Washington Business Journal

Dear Friends of The Community Foundation,

Photo by EMAN MOHAMMED/WBJ Courtesy of Washington Business Journal

Courtesy of Washington Business Journal

What a year it has been! In light of the ongoing crisis and continuing cycle of bad news, I wanted to share the exciting news that Tonia Wellons, our fearless CEO, has been named Nonprofit Leader of the Year by The Washington Business Journal.

Tonia could not have taken over as The Community Foundation's permanent President and CEO at a tougher time. Tonia has proven to be the exact right leader for this moment and for our community. Under Tonia’s leadership and with the tireless work of our amazing staff, together with the generosity of all of you and many others in our community, we have raised over $10 million to date for our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.

As we continue to respond to the ongoing crisis and move forward with other critical initiatives, I hope you will join me in congratulating Tonia by making a gift to support The Community Foundation's work.

Congratulations to Tonia for this well-deserved recognition of your hard work!

Katharine Weymouth
Chair, Board of Trustees
Greater Washington Community Foundation