DC Cares Program $5M Undocumented Workers Relief Package

Events DC, Washington DC's official convention and sports authority, finalized its programs for the $5M undocumented workers relief fund through the DC Cares Program.

The DC Cares Program will provide financial assistance to workers in the District of Columbia who have been excluded from federal stimulus efforts and are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This critical program is in partnership with the Executive Office of the Mayor and the Greater Washington Community Foundation. Both the DC Cares Program and the grant awardees were approved by Events DC's Board of Directors and represent an important component of the organization's commitment to building an ever-stronger city. 

"While we are known for our work in conventions and meetings, sports and entertainment, Events DC is deeply committed to the community and its residents, many of whom form the backbone of our restaurant and hospitality industry.  Supporting our undocumented community is personal —my grandfather came to this country when he was 13 with nothing. He was as an immigrant and couldn't get a job because of his last name and how he looked. He was hired in a hotel restaurant and began his journey in America. We owe it to our friends in the undocumented community to share in the success we have as a city. The success of our work and projects depend on the vibrancy of our city, thriving non-profits and cultural institutions.  The undocumented workers relief fund and the Cultural Institutions Grant Program will help serve our neighbors and make our diverse city stronger and more resilient," stated Max Brown, Chairman, Board of Directors, Events DC. "The relief fund distribution is a critical step forward in helping our city get back on track following the devastation of the pandemic. We also extend our congratulations to the organizations that have been awarded cultural institution grants, each of them is eminently deserving and a terrific example of what we can achieve together to enhance our world-class city." 

The DC Cares Program
The distribution for the $5 million undocumented workers relief funds will be managed through the Greater Washington Community Foundation with the purchase of pre-paid debit cards in the amount of $1,000 per card.  The Community Foundation will then disseminate the pre-paid debit cards to designated community-based organizations in collaboration with the Executive Office of the Mayor. The identified community-based organizations will issue the pre-paid debit cards to eligible undocumented workers determined by criteria set forth by the Mayor's Office. 

The Community Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity that manages hundreds of charitable giving funds on behalf of generous individuals, families, and businesses in the Washington, DC metro area. The community-based organization currently designated by the Mayor's Office to receive the pre-paid debit cards include the following:

  • Bread for the City

  • The Central American Resource Center (CARECEN)

  • CentroNía

  • Latin American Youth Center (LAYC)

  • Mary's Center

Events DC will continue to work with the Community Foundation to implement ongoing efforts surrounding the DC Cares program to provide future financial assistance to DC workers who by reason of their status do not have access to other COVID-19-related public relief programs.  The DC CARES program will be administered by the Community Foundation through its Greater Washington Workforce Collaborative, an initiative with the mission of enabling people to increase their skills, credentials, employment and wages with an emphasis on systems change that eliminates income gaps based on race, ethnicity and gender.

"A core part of Events DC's mission is to serve and give back to our communities which will help to continue to propel our city forward. The critical cultural grants program will help strengthen these important cultural institutions and empower new programming for generations to come while the undocumented workers relief fund will provide a vital lifeline to our neighbors in need," said Gregory A. O'Dell, president and chief executive officer of Events DC.  "Through the relief funds and the grant program, we are humbled by the opportunity to assist District residents and the extraordinary organizations performing vital work to educate and enhance the lives of Washingtonians and visitors. Together, we look forward to continuing to enrich our community."

“We are proud to partner with Events DC, the Executive Office of the Mayor, and our nonprofit partners to bring critical relief to workers who have been excluded from other forms of relief intended to help our most vulnerable neighbors during this difficult time. Immigrant communities are some of the hardest hit in this region by the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. Our goal is to support disproportionately impacted communities, especially low-income and black and brown communities, by providing emergency cash assistance to cover basic needs for food, housing/shelter, medical care, and other services.”

Community Foundation Announces $500,000 Gift from Lockheed Martin to COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund

Contribution will Boost Local Relief and Recovery Efforts

The Greater Washington Community Foundation is pleased to announce a new $500,000 contribution from Lockheed Martin to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, which will help support both coordinated local response to urgent needs and longer-term recovery efforts focused on building a stronger and more resilient region.

This coordinated rapid response fund was established to quickly raise and deploy critical resources to nonprofits helping residents adversely affected by the coronavirus public health and economic crisis. In 10 weeks, the Fund has garnered $7.5 million in community support from 700+ contributors, including corporate partners, local foundations, and individual donors (with individual contributions ranging in size from $10 - $100,000).

A list of donors and regional partners is available here.

“We are so thankful for partners like Lockheed Martin and others who have stepped up to help us respond quickly to the evolving needs of our communities and to plan for what comes next,” said Tonia Wellons, President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “These contributions help bolster our ability to empower our nonprofit partners working tirelessly to help our neighbors facing hardship during this crisis.”

“We’re proud to address the local needs in Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, and the Greater Washington region at this critical time,” said Marillyn Hewson, Chairman, President and CEO of Lockheed Martin. “We are committed to our local communities and the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund will be instrumental in assisting frontline workers, small business, nonprofits, and individuals in the hour of need."

“We are in great need of additional resources in the Greater Washington region, particularly food, for our growing rolls of vulnerable families," said Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich. "We are grateful that our corporate citizens are recognizing their role as partners and contributing to help those in need.”

“We are Prince George’s Proud of community partners like Lockheed Martin and the Greater Washington Community Foundation who have stepped up to support Prince Georgians in need during this pandemic,” said Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks. “While we are still trying to weather this storm, I can promise you that COVID-19 will not have the final say. Through partnerships like these, we will get through this crisis together and we will be able to build an even stronger Prince George’s.”

In times of crisis, The Community Foundation is the region’s philanthropic first responder, bringing people and resources together to address urgent community needs. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, The Community Foundation is convening weekly meetings with local philanthropic leaders, donors, and government advisors to discuss needs, review requests, and guide the Fund’s strategic investments and priorities.

To date, the Fund has made investments of $4 million in 97 nonprofits, with additional funding expected to be issued over the coming weeks. Priority is given to nonprofits with deep roots in the community and a demonstrated ability to address both urgent needs and reach historically underserved populations. The Fund has received more than 1,300 requests from nonprofits seeking a total of $55 million in funding, which far exceeds available dollars.

A full list of the organizations receiving assistance through the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund is here.

Investments have been made across five issue areas:

  • To provide relief to small businesses and displaced workers (hourly, gig economy, contractors), especially those who do not qualify for unemployment or stimulus funds.

  • To expand parental supports and resources for youth disconnected from school or work and students distinguished by disabilities.

  • To support frontline workers and providers and to expand medical care for low-income communities, older adults, and people who are immunocompromised, undocumented, or uninsured.

  • To support and protect individuals, families, and youth experiencing homelessness and to help prevent people from losing stable housing.

  • To bolster our region’s food security, address the uptick in domestic and other forms of violence, and support the civil legal aid needs of individuals.

From 9/11 to the Coronavirus: Responding to Our Community’s Greatest Challenges

By Danielle Yates, Senior Director of Marketing & Communications

Whenever our community has faced a major crisis, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, The Community Foundation is our region’s philanthropic first responder to connect those in need with our caring donors who can help.

As our region’s community foundation, we see it as our responsibility to support our neighbors and communities during times of need. We fulfill this critical role in several ways:

  • As a trusted philanthropic partner to our donors and local funders, we can raise and mobilize funds quickly to serve our community.

  • Our history as a community convener and partner enables us to bring people and resources together to achieve greater impact through collective action.

  • Our deep community expertise and relationships with local nonprofits on the frontlines allows us to quickly identify and direct resources to where they are needed most. 

  • Our nearly 50-year commitment to this region has helped shape our perspective and ability to address both the current and future needs of our community.

While Covid-19 is an unprecedented crisis, we have amassed considerable experience helping our community meet significant challenges and build critical capacity and resilience. In situations like this, our focus is to provide both immediate relief and ongoing support as our community works to recover and rebuild for the future.

This was evident in our approach to responding to several crises in the past two decades. For example, within 24 hours after the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, we launched the Survivor’s Fund to direct the charitable response and caring spirit of some 12,000 donors. Housed at The Community Foundation, the fund raised more than $25 million to aid 1,051 victims and their families by providing access to both financial support and case management services needed to achieve long-term financial and emotional stability. 

During the 2008 financial crisis, we collaborated with our donors to launch the Neighbors in Need Fund which raised $5 million to help families hit hardest by the economic crisis. This initiative helped meet the increase in demand for food, shelter, clothing, foreclosure prevention and healthcare services through grants to nonprofits across the region.

When gun violence erupted in tragedy at Navy Yard in 2011, we partnered with DC government and leveraged our local expertise to identify and fund nonprofits providing direct support to victims and families as well as addressing gun violence and mental health issues.

Today, we are ready to use the lessons we’ve learned from past challenges to help our region through this unprecedented health and economic crisis. You can stand with us and support this effort through the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.

Neighbors in DIRE Need – Your gift matched!

We are all deeply alarmed to learn how the pandemic and shutdown are affecting our most vulnerable and lowest-income neighbors.  

Families housed in cramped living conditions are threatened with the very real possibility of losing their apartments. Despite a short-term freeze on evictions, landlords are harassing tenants for rent and rent bills are piling up month after month. Many of these families already live doubled up in apartments to make ends meet and many don’t have the documentation to qualify for emergency government assistance. 

Add to that the rapid spread of COVID-19 in these densely populated neighborhoods, unemployment (possibly long-term), school-aged kids at home, hunger, general anxiety and who knows what — and it’s a powder keg of stress and danger for many of our most vulnerable neighbors.

The Neighbors in Need Montgomery Fund originated during the 2008 economic downturn, which was also very harrowing for many of these families. Residents like you from across our community responded generously to a challenge grant from a group of donors, including myself.  We funded an accelerated and coordinated effort to reach neighbors who would have otherwise fallen through the cracks.  

Well, we are doing it again. Our Neighbors in DIRE Need Montgomery campaign is supporting a coalition of leading nonprofits who are working in coordination and avoiding duplication of effort, as they rush to help our most vulnerable neighbors stay in their apartments and deal with basic emergency needs. 

The Greater Washington Community Foundation’s past Montgomery County Philanthropists of the Year honorees and their families have teamed up to offer a challenge match of $340,000, so your contribution will be matched $1 for $1 making each of the dollars you give turn into two! 

So Please, Make Us Match!


Cliff & Debbie White

In partnership with past Montgomery County Philanthropists of the Year and their families


Patrice King Brickman and Scott Brickman

Bainum Family Foundation

Michelle Freeman and the Carl M. Freeman Foundation

Hope Gleicher and Andy Burness

Solomon and Dorothy Graham

Clark and Diane Kendall

Sally Rudney and Scott Hoekman

Craig & Pat Ruppert and Ruppert Companies

Carol Trawick

Anna and Robert Trone

Linda and Bob Youngentob


Join US!

Please use the form below to make a secure online gift.

Community Foundation donors can make a grant from your fund using the Donor Central portal.  After clicking on the “Recommend a grant” link, please search for “Neighbors in Need Montgomery Fund.” 

Please see our gift transmission instructions for other types of gifts, such as by check, wire transfer, and more.

Fill out my online form.

Thank you!

Community Foundation Announces $3.9 Million in Grants to COVID-19 Emergency Response Efforts

The COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund at the Greater Washington Community Foundation has completed its first round of coordinated rapid response grantmaking. To date, the Fund has made a total of $3.9 million investments in nonprofits helping local residents affected by the coronavirus public health and economic crisis.

These general operating grants – ranging in size from $10,000 to $100,000 – are intended to help vital nonprofits across the Greater Washington region to fulfill their missions and expand critical services by moving operations online, purchasing essential supplies and equipment, covering staff salaries and hazard pay, and help with offsetting lost revenue.

Given the disproportionate impact on the African American community, the Fund made it a priority to support nonprofits represented by and serving people of color. As a result, 52% of the Fund’s grantee organizations are led by people of color.

Since launching the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund on March 13, The Community Foundation has mobilized $6.6 million in commitments and support from more than 500 contributors including corporate partners, local foundations, and individual donors (with individual contributions ranging in size from $10 - $50,000). The Fund is administered by The Community Foundation with working groups comprised of regional philanthropic leaders and local government advisors helping to guide its efforts. Throughout this process, working groups and steering committee members continue to meet weekly to review requests and approve awards on a rolling basis to meet significant demand.

A full list of donors and regional partners is available here.

In less than three weeks, The Community Foundation received more than 730 requests from nonprofits and other small businesses seeking a combined total of $41 million in funding. To date, 97 nonprofits have received assistance through the Fund. For this initial round of grantmaking, priority was given to direct service providers aligned with the Fund’s strategic priorities, who have deep roots in this community and demonstrated an ability to both address urgent needs and reach historically underserved populations. Additional funding is expected to be issued to more organizations over the coming weeks.

A full list of the initial organizations receiving assistance through the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund is here.

Round 1 Investments were made across five issue areas and included the following organizations, among others:

“Far too many of our neighbors are struggling and turning to our region’s nonprofit sector to help cover basic needs for food, shelter, and medical care,” said Tonia Wellons, President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “The fact that this crisis has hit our region’s marginalized communities the hardest is one of the long-term consequences of inequities that existed long before the current situation. As we continue to respond to the immediate crisis at hand, we are also planning for reconstruction efforts to ensure our community does not go back to the way things were before. We must focus on coming out of this crisis as a stronger community that is more equitable and resilient.”

More information about the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund is available here. Anyone interested in contributing can make an online donation here.

Ending Homelessness in DC and our Response to COVID-19

New research suggests that people experiencing homelessness who contract COVID-19 are twice as likely to be hospitalized, two to four times as likely to need critical care, and two to three times as likely to die.

As we are directed to stay in our homes and to practice social distancing, it is important to remember that people experiencing homelessness and the frontline organizations and people who provide essential services for this population don’t have that luxury. Given that shelters are crowded, it is challenging for our neighbors who rely on them to keep the recommended 6 feet distance. The streets have the same risks as always, and a new risk of contracting a virus that is particularly dangerous for seniors and those with underlying health conditions.

Prioritizing a Vulnerable Population

Our response must prioritize this vulnerable population, with the majority of people experiencing chronic homelessness falling into the CDC's special risk population for COVID-19. This is exactly why we created the Partnership to End Homelessness: to ensure that everyone in DC has a safe, stable, and affordable place to call home.

Even without a pandemic, people experiencing homelessness are extremely vulnerable and face health challenges that are exacerbated by a lack of stable housing. With coronavirus putting an even greater strain on our community and its resources, we must do our part to support our neighbors who don’t have stable housing and the people and organizations working day and night, putting their own health at risk, to keep them safe.

Our Response to COVID-19

As we have seen COVID-19 spread across our community, The Community Foundation has been working with our partners to identify critical needs and to provide a mechanism for the public to offer support. To do this work, we have established the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.

As part of our regional response, we have developed a Homelessness and Housing Working Group made up of government partners and funders in the area. Together, we have been reaching out to our nonprofit partners and advocates in the community to identify needs and ways we can support the work they are doing.

To date we have:

  • Awarded $805,000 to organizations working to support people experiencing homelessness through the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.

    • Our first grants focused on medical needs of people experiencing homelessness in DC and Montgomery County.

    • Our second round of grants include essential providers who are responding to immediate needs of people experiencing homelessness.

    • A third round of grants is listed online along with our other priority areas.

This work is just getting started and we are committed to making sure that people experiencing homelessness and the organizations that are supporting them in this challenging time have the resources they need.

What You Can Do to Help

  • Make a donation to the homeless service organizations that you already support.

  • Call your representatives and ask them to make sure funds for homeless and housing programs are included in their response. This will help ensure that the federal, county, and local government response to COVID-19 includes resources to provide housing stability for low-income individuals and people experiencing homelessness; and that access to healthcare, housing, food assistance, and other services provided in response to COVID-19 are made available to everyone, regardless of income, immigration status, or insurance.

  • Contribute to our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund. Every dollar will make a difference for our neighbors impacted by this crisis.

If you are a nonprofit and would like to share information about community/nonprofit needs related to homelessness and housing, contact Jennifer Olney and Silvana Straw, who lead our Homelessness and Housing Working Group.

If you would like to make a donation, please visit our website or contact Angela Willingham, Associate Vice President, Development.

Now more than ever, it will take all of us working together to prevent and end homelessness in DC. We hope you will join us.

Leading Our Community's Response

Our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund has now been in operation for one month. Over that time, we have provided more than $3.8 million in grant funds to local nonprofits providing critical relief supports across our region and across five issue areas—education and youth, employment and small business, medical care and access, housing and homelessness, and general operating support.

Our RFP is currently on pause as we absorb the information from 750 applications on the evolving needs of our community and learn more about communities and populations that are being impacted disproportionately. We plan to reopen our RFP later this month reflecting an updated set of giving priorities.

Over the last few weeks, we have formed working groups for each of our five issue areas to review proposals and make grant recommendations. Below, read about what we are doing and learning in each area - and how our community is organizing to fight the COVID pandemic.

Employment and Small Business

We have made a set of investments in local service providers working to provide emergency cash assistance to our region’s low-income workers that do not have the resources to wait for Federal or State unemployment benefits to kick in, or communities (like undocumented workers) that do not qualify for this type of support.

Education and Youth

We have been singularly focused on supporting the most vulnerable children and families who are struggling as a result of this crisis. Many organizations are stretching themselves to support the youth and families they already have built strong connections with to address basic needs.  Parents are a child’s first teacher and now that schools are closed education is not solely in the classroom.  Despite what schools, local government and philanthropy are doing there are still many families that are not able to connect to services and education opportunities for the children in their homes. 

Medical Care and Access

We are providing support services for health care and frontline workers while also addressing the health access needs of the more vulnerable populations in Greater Washington area. Their focus has been to support efforts to source PPE for frontline workers, increase COVID-19 testing for vulnerable and marginalized communities, and support clinics and health centers providing support and care in response to COVID-19.

As the pandemic response continues to grow on a statewide and national level, we know that our response will have to adapt as well. This working group is continuously monitoring changes, sharing resources, and adjusting its priorities directly in response to needs.

Homelessness and Housing

We have been working to support local providers whose doors are open and who are actively providing direct services to the most vulnerable and disproportionately impacted populations during the COVID crisis - specifically people living in shelters or on the street. Priority populations include: women and children facing increased instances of domestic violence and abuse, families, youth including foster care and LGBTQ youth, older/chronically ill individuals, and undocumented people and immigrants.

As we continue to see increasing numbers of people experiencing homelessness testing positive for COVID and deaths amongst this vulnerable population, our investments will help organizations provide essential services and resources to protect these individuals, families, and youth and to prevent community spread.

General Operating Support

Investments also included grants to nonprofits addressing the dramatic uptick in intimate partner violence and other types of abuse, grants to organizations supporting at-risk communities including those living with disabilities, and grants to support the ability of legal services providers to continue to provide critically needed services to local residents as courts continue to convene.

What’s Next?

We anticipate re-opening the RFP by the end of April. In the meantime, for more information on our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, please visit www.thecommunityfoundation.org/covid-19 for a list of our grantee partners and funding priorities.

Greater Washington Community Foundation and Nationals Philanthropies Partner to Launch Get Shift Done for DMV

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The Greater Washington Community Foundation has teamed up with Washington Nationals Philanthropies to launch the Get Shift Done DMV initiative.

With unemployment claims spiking to record levels, Get Shift Done is helping people earn a basic income while also meeting the needs of the food insecure. The initiative will coordinate, schedule, and pay adversely affected hourly workers in the hospitality industry to work shifts for local food access providers.

Get Shift Done DMV, with founding investments from The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation, Capital One, the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation, and the Bainum Family Foundation, will provide wages of $15 an hour to workers left jobless by the coronavirus pandemic. These workers are filling the critical roles of providing meals for neighbors in need that, prior to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, were performed by volunteers. The first batch of workers will report for their first day of work on Saturday, April 25, and more shifts and partners will be added on a rolling basis.

Get Shift Done was originally launched by Communities Foundation of Texas and Dallas business and community leaders in partnership with Shiftsmart and the North Texas Food Bank to fill the gap between the reduction of volunteers and the increased need among food banks and other nonprofits with those from the food and service industry in need of supplemental income. The platform has been able to serve 1 million meals per week while providing more than $250,000 of wages to 1,000 workers per week. Get Shift Done is now launching in other cities, municipalities, and counties across the country. Bringing this successful initiative to the DMV will fill a critical gap as food access providers face unprecedented demand for their services while also struggling with a shortfall in volunteers.

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Your gift, no matter the size, will have a deep impact in our community. By contributing to the Get Shift Done DMV Fund, you help local restaurant workers help nonprofits, who in turn help our neighbors in need.

“We know that missing even one paycheck can mean members of our community, especially the region’s lower-wage and hourly workers, struggle to pay rent, afford groceries, and otherwise provide for their families,” said Tonia Wellons, President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “Our nonprofit partners and other organizations have stepped in to fill huge gaps created by this crisis, but there is more that we can and must do as a community. We are proud to partner to bring Get Shift Done to DMV in order to connect impacted workers directly to emergency food distribution providers throughout the region.”

“Food insecurity is both a systemic problem and an ever-increasing concern for families across the DMV. Through our work to open Nationals Park as a cooking and packaging site for meals and delivering grants to on-the-ground partners getting food to those who need it most, it was evident that even more was needed to meet demand,” said Nationals Philanthropies CEO Tal Alter. “Get Shift Done complements and extends the incredible coordination of food banks and providers across the region while simultaneously filling critical packaging, preparation, and delivery roles with members of our local hospitality community who are out of work.”

“The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation is proud to be a seed funder of this innovative effort which connects our colleagues in the hospitality industry with the critical and growing need for labor in our region’s food system. Food security was a crisis before the COVID-19 pandemic and has since grown to staggering levels. Concurrently, the hospitality workforce has suffered tremendously and we are thrilled to have an opportunity to address two of the Foundation’s top priorities through this investment,” stated Mieka Wick, Executive Director, The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation.

“As part of Capital One’s broader community response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been working closely with our nonprofit partners to address crucial needs of the most vulnerable populations, including hunger relief and supporting the food and dining community,” said Andy Navarrete, Head of External Affairs, Capital One Financial. “We are proud to support Get Shift Done’s DMV initiative that is providing jobs, filling the much-needed gap in volunteer shifts and getting food to those in need. We will continue to marshal our resources – our funds, digital tools, reach and expertise during these uncertain times to help in the collective recovery.”

"The A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation is eager to support innovative programs that solve today's problems. As we collectively grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to join with our local partners and the Get Shift Done team to launch the program in the Washington, DC region," says Joe Del Guercio, President and CEO, A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation.

“The shortcomings of our regional food system ― which already make it difficult to get fresh, healthy, affordable food to communities that need it most ― are being intensified by the COVID-19 crisis,” says David Daniels, CEO and President of the Bainum Family Foundation. “As part of our food-security work, we are pleased to support the Get Shift Done DMV effort. It will have an immediate impact, providing both much-needed jobs to displaced workers and nutritious meals for families and individuals who are struggling financially right now.”

Today Get Shift Done DMV launches with Shiftsmart technology to register workers for shifts with local food access providers. The Shiftsmart platform and operations team manage the onboarding, matching, scheduling, dispatching, and routing of workers to perform shifts. Interested restaurants, nonprofit partners, and individual workers can visit getshiftdone.org/dmv to access sign-up portals.

About Washington Nationals Philanthropies
The Washington Nationals strive to become a civic partner to every Washingtonian interested in making a positive difference in our region and a leading philanthropic organization in professional sports. As the official charitable arm of the Washington Nationals, Nationals Philanthropies is a new entity that replaces the Dream Foundation. Building on the success of the foundation’s first decade in Washington, we aspire to an even bolder, more ambitious philanthropic vision that continues to align with the work of the Youth Baseball Academy while building an enhanced and cohesive platform for civic engagement that extends far beyond the Academy walls. This new platform will catalyze the energy of Nationals fans, and the generosity and philanthropic goals of Nationals players, corporate champions, and community partners to invest philanthropic dollars with, through, and to Nationals Philanthropies – fueling even greater good for a better Washington region. More details coming soon at nats4good.org. Follow us to stay up to date on the latest news and events.

About Greater Washington Community Foundation
The Greater Washington Community Foundation exists to Build Thriving Communities by guiding strategic philanthropy, providing leadership on critical issues, promoting civic engagement, and inspiring local giving. Founded in 1973, we are the region’s largest local funder and have invested nearly $1.3 billion to build more equitable, just, and enriching communities where all residents can thrive. We recently launched the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to rapidly raise and deploy critical resources to nonprofits addressing the urgent health and economic needs of disproportionately impacted communities. To date, we have mobilized more than $6.5 million in community support and made nearly $4 million in grants to relief and recovery efforts that are supporting our most vulnerable neighbors. 

The Power of Unrestricted Impact

“I believe that the measure of our lives is how we impacted others”

For John Terry Beaty, philanthropy is in his blood. A native New Yorker, he grew up watching his mother work at the city’s Community Trust, later volunteering for United Way for nearly 15 years.  

“We were all encouraged to, when we had the time or money, help other people,” he said.


Beaty, an investment advisor with Brown Advisory, first learned of The Community Foundation from one of his clients who held a fund with us. He was intrigued by the organization’s ‘multiplier effect:’ our ability to amplify positive impact in the community.

Fast forward several years, and Beaty has his own family fund at The Community Foundation, since 1995; eventually, he even served as Chair of our Board of Trustees’ Investment Committee.

Recently, Beaty and his wife Anne Mehringer, made an even longer-term commitment to The Community Foundation. They established a bequest, entrusting one-third of the Beaty Family Fund to us.

“We wanted to help strengthen the organization,” Beaty says. “It is like leaving our legacy to the community as a whole.”

Their bequest is completely unrestricted, meaning funds can be used for core operating expenses—a resource that’s essential as we work to address the greatest needs facing our community. Beaty wanted to provide this flexibility because “I think [many donors] don’t think about this [being so important].”

He hopes this money will help us remain financially strong, and help donors give to those in the community who need it the most. Beaty says that, while funding core operations can be somewhat unglamorous, he knows it is necessary. And, it will allow other donors to fund more immediate programming.

The Beatys are also regular donors to The Community Foundation’s annual Celebration of Philanthropy, and to the Celebration of Giving in Montgomery County, where they live.

When Beaty isn’t working at Brown Advisory or with The Community Foundation, he is feeding his passion for history. He serves as a board member for the American Battlefield Trust and Fort Ticonderoga; and is a former board member at the National Trust for Historic Preservation and History Montgomery. He is also a former advisory board member for Princeton’s history department.  

Beaty plans to continue giving to The Community Foundation, and staying engaged as an active part of the community.

“I believe that the measure of our lives is how we have impacted others,” says Beaty. “I want to have a positive influence on our community, our families.”

Creating a Lasting Legacy for Impact


By: Rebecca Rothey, Vice President, Development and Senior Philanthropic Advisor

I will admit that, initially, I wasn’t completely comfortable writing an article about planning one’s philanthropic legacy during the coronavirus pandemic. I began to feel differently, though, after speaking with some of our generous donors who are planning their legacies. They have reminded me that legacy planning isn’t about your life ending—it’s about living life well and continuing what is most important to us, even after we are gone.

We are helping many of our donors find creative ways to plan for their philanthropic legacy. Three recent examples that come to mind include:

  • Providing flexibility now and for the future.  A long-time donor who has co-funded many Community Foundation initiatives is leaving money to The Community Foundation’s discretion to give where most needed in the region.

  • The Importance of Giving Back. A couple is creating a fund for their two children to have discretion over where the charitable distributions will go and over what time frame. Their goal is to share their belief in the importance of “giving back” with the next generation of their family and to introduce them to the importance of stewarding wealth wisely.

  • A Gift of Service to Others. One donor spent her entire career in public service augmented by travel, animal rescue and service to seniors. She came to value the importance of attracting and training talented and passionate people to the fields of public administration, veterinary assistance, senior care, environmental education and the arts. She is establishing an endowed fund to encourage future generations to pursue careers in these fields by providing tuition assistance and research funding.  

Having gone through this process many times, I can share with certainty that, even though legacy planning can initially feel daunting, in the end everyone is happy once it has been completed.

It is not about the end of one’s life—it is about exploring what is most important in our lives and then building a legacy that is rooted in those values.

All of us have benefited from important people and organizations in our lives—whether it is our families, our communities, our schools, our faith, and our cultural institutions. There is no better way to live life to the fullest than to continue to foster and support these most important aspects of our lives into the future. And, as these times have so powerfully reminded us, to demonstrate that we’re all in this together.

Learn more about The Community Foundation’s planned giving options at https://thecommunityfoundation.giftlegacy.com/

$5.2 Million Raised for COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund and $1 Million Granted to Local Nonprofit Partners

The Greater Washington Community Foundation has mobilized more than $5.2 million in community support for its COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund and made new grants totaling $1 million to 14 nonprofits serving residents of Washington, DC, Montgomery and Prince George’s counties in Maryland. Through this Fund, which launched on March 13 in collaboration with regional partners, The Community Foundation is working to rapidly raise and deploy critical resources to nonprofits responding to the urgent health and economic needs of disproportionately impacted communities in the region.

“During this time of crisis and uncertainty, we are inspired by how our generous donors and community partners are stepping up to help us meet the evolving needs and challenges associated with the impacts of coronavirus on this region,” said Tonia Wellons, President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “The Community Foundation is committed to working with our partners to address both the immediate needs of our neighbors and to plan for the longer term needs of our communities.”

New Grants Announced

Since opening an online request for proposals last week, The Community Foundation has received more than 500 requests for funding across five issue areas: Education and Youth, Employment and Small Business, Medical Care and Access, Housing and Homelessness, and General Operating Support.

The following nonprofit organizations were selected this week to receive a total of $1 million in funding based on their alignment with the Fund’s strategic priorities and their ability to both address urgent needs and reach historically underserved populations.

General Operating Support:

  • Network for Victim Recovery to provide staff with living wages, support clients through the Survivor Support Fund, and provide frontline staff at hospitals with hazard pay.  

  • Greater Baden Medical Services, Inc. to help stabilize and recover from a sharp drop in revenue due to the COVID crisis, ensuring it continues to provide health care services in Prince George’s County.

  • Greater DC Diaper Bank to provide low-income families with a reliable source of diapers, formula, feminine products, and baby gear.

Education and Youth:

  • CollegeTracks to provide virtual supports and additional assistance for first-generation-to-college students from low-income, minority, and immigrant families.

  • Generation Hope to serve teen parents and their children who may experience or have experienced homelessness, foster care, abuse, and food insecurity.   

  • New Futures to serve under-resourced young people pursuing postsecondary degrees while struggling with loss of income, lack of childcare, or adjusting to distance learning and remote work.

Employment and Small Business:

Housing and Homelessness:

  • House of Ruth to serve women and survivors of domestic violence and help mitigate the risk of increased homelessness for these populations.

  • Miriam's Kitchen to continue providing services and essential frontline support to people experiencing homelessness.

  • Calvary Women’s Services to serve women experiencing homelessness in Ward 8.

  • Pathways to Housing DC to continue providing outreach and to maintain access to medical and psychiatric care for people living on the streets.

Medical Care and Access:

To date, the Fund has made nearly $1.8 million in grants. A full list of all nonprofits supported by this Fund is available at www.thecommunityfoundation.org/covid-19-grant-recipients.

“Our funding is targeted toward our nonprofit partners serving the most vulnerable communities in our region, including low wage workers, hourly and gig economy workers, health care providers, people of color, and people experiencing homelessness,” said Tonia Wellons. “These flexible grants will help stabilize our nonprofit partners and allow them to begin addressing the economic shocks brought on by this crisis so they can meet the increase in demand for their services. More importantly, this funding will enable them to expand critical medical care, shelter/housing, financial or other supports and services to provide relief for individuals and families facing hardship across this region.”

Mobilizing Community Support

In addition to The Community Foundation’s initial commitment of $150,000 to launch the Fund, support for this effort has come from The Community Foundation’s donors, local foundations, corporate partners, and online contributions. A full list of donors and partners is available at www.thecommunityfoundation.org/covid-19-our-partners.

Donors include:


Aviv Foundation

Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation

Booz Allen Hamilton

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation


The Crimsonbridge Foundation

The Lois and Richard England Family Foundation

Philip L. Graham Fund

Harman Family Foundation

Horizon Therapeutics

International Monetary Fund Giving Together

The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation

Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriott Foundation

Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation

Pivotal Ventures, a Melinda Gates company


Prince Charitable Trusts


United Solutions

Washington AIDS Partnership

Washington Gas

Weissberg Foundation

Wells Fargo Foundation

The World Bank Group Community Connections Fund

200+ individual online donations from community members with gifts ranging in size from $10 - $5,000

As the global pandemic continues, we will continue to make grants from our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund. We anticipate doing so on a weekly basis.

If you’d like to contribute to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, you can read more and donate below.

New COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund Grants Announced

The Community Foundation established the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to support emergency preparedness and response efforts that will help mitigate the impact on disproportionately affected communities in our region. Through this fund, we are focused on addressing lost wages, providing relief for small businesses and gig economy workers, expanding access to medical services, and meeting the unique needs of people experiencing homelessness, among other needs.

Read more about our priorities, which include education and youth, workforce and small business, medical care and access, homelessness and housing, and general operating support for nonprofits to help fill critical gaps.

This week, we are pleased to announce new grants to nonprofit organizations focused on the critical health care needs of people experiencing homeless. These grants will support nonprofits that provide essential health care services for the homeless population in Washington, DC, and Montgomery County, Maryland, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A total of $175,000 in grants was awarded to:

  • Unity Health Care, Inc is the largest network of community health centers in Washington, DC. Unity provides comprehensive primary and specialty health care and wrap-around services, regardless of ability to pay, at numerous traditional and non-traditional sites.

    Unity received a $100,000 grant to increase capacity to serve people in shelters and congregate settings, as well as in quarantine locations. The funds will help provide health care to those who are ill, and help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

  • Mobile Medical Care (MobileMed) serves low-income, uninsured, and Medicaid-enrolled residents of Montgomery County, Maryland. MobileMed offers a network of primary care clinics, and specialty care clinics located throughout the county to reach areas of greatest unmet medical need. They also provide primary care and nurse case management services at two County homelessness shelters.

    MobileMed received a $75,000 grant to increase capacity to serve people experiencing homelessness at shelters and via telehealth.

These providers are already going above and beyond to serve people who do not have a home where they can isolate or quarantine. Even with the severe shortages of personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies, they continue to provide essential services to some of our most vulnerable neighbors.

As the global pandemic continues, we will continue to make grants from our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund. We anticipate doing so on a weekly basis.

If you’d like to apply, please review our Request for Proposals and submit your application.

If you’d like to contribute to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, you can read more and donate below.

Community Foundation Announces Grants for Prince George’s County Nonprofits Responding to COVID-19

The Greater Washington Community Foundation, working in partnership with County Executive Angela D. Alsobrooks’ Administration and Prince George’s County Public Schools, has announced $650,000 in grants to support local nonprofits responding to the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on Prince George’s County residents. The grants will be administered by The Community Foundation, as part of its COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, with funding provided by a personal contribution from Sam Brin, a former Prince George’s County resident.

The first $550,000 in funds will assist 15 local nonprofit organizations providing direct services and support to address the immediate health and economic needs of individuals, youth, families, and disproportionately impacted communities in Prince George’s County. The funds will help to:

  • Reduce food and housing insecurity

  • Mitigate the impact of reduced wages and lost work for low-wage workers, especially for people of color who are disproportionately affected

  • Expand medical care access to seniors, marginalized communities, and the uninsured

  • Enhance educational access and services for out of school children and youth from low-income families

  • Address the unique needs of people experiencing homelessness and people at risk of homelessness

An additional $100,000 in funds will support Prince George’s County Public Schools to help defray the cost of internet connectivity and ensure every senior in need has internet access to participate in distance learning for the remainder of the school year.

“We are grateful to our generous donors and strategic partners for stepping up to help us meet the evolving needs and challenges associated with the impacts of coronavirus on Prince George’s County residents,” said Tonia Wellons, Interim President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “The Community Foundation is committed to working with our partners to address both the immediate needs of our neighbors and to plan for the longer term needs of our communities. During this time of crisis and uncertainty, we are inspired by how members of our community, and beyond, have come together to care for one another.”

“Even in the absence of a pandemic, our nonprofits do invaluable work for Prince George’s County families facing difficult times,” said Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks. “We are thankful for our partners like The Community Foundation who are truly showing the strength and power of our community while ensuring our residents can make it through these unprecedented times.”

"The ability to work with partners such as the Greater Washington Community Foundation allows us to ensure that all contributions dedicated to Prince George’s County are being monitored and administered directly to the organizations that need it most,” said Diana Léon Brown, Director of Strategic Partnerships in the Office of the Prince George’s County Executive.

"We are grateful for the generous $100,000 donation from former PGCPS student, Sam Brin," said Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Monica Goldson. "His donation, in partnership with the Greater Washington Community Foundation, will help PGCPS defray the cost of internet connectivity and ensure every senior in need has internet access for the remainder of the school year. We look forward to continuing to work with our community partners as we strive to meet the needs of our students."

"Prince George's County welcomed my Soviet refugee family with open arms, and was a nice place to call home,” said Sam Brin. “I consider it my responsibility to help residents meet their basic needs and hope other prospective donors will join me."

Sam Brin was raised in Prince George’s County, attended Prince George’s County Public Schools, and studied Computer Science and Physics at the University of Maryland. Although Mr. Brin no longer resides in the county, he made this personal contribution to give back to the community where he was raised and his family called home.

The nonprofit organizations receiving grants this round include:

Community Crisis Services, Inc.
Community Outreach & Development CDC
Employ Prince George’s
Food & Friends
Hyattsville Aging in Place
Jobs Have Priority
La Clinica del Pueblo
Latin American Youth Center
Laurel Advocacy and Referral Services
Mary’s Center
Mission of Love Charities
Prince George’s Child Resource Center
SHABACH! Ministries
The Arc
United Communities Against Poverty

“During economic hardships, the most vulnerable populations are always those who have less prior to the recession. Most of these residents, and households, are living paycheck to paycheck, always wondering how they will pay the next bill or provide the next meal,” said Walter L. Simmons, President & CEO, Employ Prince George's. “The Greater Washington Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund is allowing Prince George’s County community partners to provide immediate resources to these people. Employ Prince George’s will be able to provide payments to pay a bill and put food on the table!”

For the latest information and resources on the county’s COVID-19 response, go to https://www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/3397/Coronavirus.

For more information and to make a contribution for Prince George’s County through The Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund, visit www.thecommunityfoundation.org

About the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund
The Greater Washington Community Foundation, in collaboration with regional partners, established the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to rapidly deploy critical resources to nonprofits responding to the urgent health and economic needs of disproportionately impacted communities. Through this fund, we are focused on addressing lost wages for hourly and gig economy workers, supporting out of school children and youth, expanding access to medical services, and meeting the unique needs of people experiencing homelessness. To date, The Community Foundation has raised more than $4.3 million for relief and recovery efforts that will support our most vulnerable neighbors.

Community Foundation Announces Unprecedented Community Support for Emergency COVID-19 Response Fund

Editor’s note: This post was updated on April 6 to reflect additional contributions to the fund.

Region’s Largest Community Foundation has raised and committed $4.7 million to support disproportionately impacted communities

Across the region, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 is rising and the situation is rapidly evolving. The health, social, and economic implications of this pandemic are already being felt and could continue to be staggering to our region.

Last week, The Community Foundation launched the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to support emergency preparedness and response efforts to help mitigate the impact on disproportionately affected communities in our region. Through this fund, we are focused on addressing lost wages, relief for small businesses and gig economy workers, expanding access to medical services, and meeting the unique needs of people experiencing homelessness, among other issues.

Since launching the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, The Community Foundation has raised and committed more than $4.7 million in contributions from both individual donors and institutional funders.

You can join this effort to ensure our region is prepared to meet the evolving needs and challenges associated with this public health emergency and economic crisis. Your contribution will help support and assist our nonprofit partners working on the frontlines to provide supplies and direct services to affected communities, especially low-income communities, hourly wage and gig economy workers, people of color, and people experiencing homelessness who may be disproportionately impacted.

“We know that missing one shift or even one paycheck can mean members of our community, especially the region’s low-wage workers, struggle to pay rent, afford groceries, and otherwise provide for their families,” said Tonia Wellons, Interim President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “The outpouring of support from our community has been nothing short of incredible! We are truly inspired by our community coming together to help each other out during a difficult time. Your support helps us deploy critical resources to our nonprofit partners responding to the urgent health and economic needs of our communities.”

In addition to The Community Foundation’s initial commitment of $150,000 to seed the fund, support for this effort has come from several individual, philanthropic, and corporate partners. Initial partners and contributions to this fund include:

  • The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation has approved a $1 million grant, $750,000 outright and $250,000 as a 1:1 match

  • Thanks to a generous matching challenge grant from the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation, starting today all additional contributions to this fund will be matched up to $500,000

  • More than $750,000 in individual contributions from The Community Foundation’s donors and donations from community members ranging in size from $10 - $5,000

  • $350,000 from Amazon as part of a $1 million total contribution to four local community foundations serving residents of the Greater Washington region

  • $250,000 from Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation and Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation

  • $200,000 from Public Welfare Foundation

  • $150,000 from Pivotal Ventures, a Melinda Gates company, and Wells Fargo Foundation

  • $100,000 from Philip L. Graham Fund, Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriott Foundation, The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation, and Target

  • $75,000 from Horizon Therapeutics and PNC

  • $60,000 from International Monetary Fund Giving Together

  • $50,000 from the Lois and Richard England Family Foundation, Prince Charitable Trusts, Washington AIDS Partnership, Weissberg Foundation, and the World Bank Group Community Connections Fund

  • $25,000 from Booz Allen Hamilton and Comcast

  • $10,000 from The Crimsonbridge Foundation and United Solutions

“During these challenging times, the Foundation is pleased to support the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund,” said Calvin Cafritz, President and CEO, The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation. “We want to ensure that nonprofits, and the communities they serve, are able to survive this crisis and thrive in the future. We are happy to work with the Greater Washington Community Foundation, and others, to help local organizations in both the short- and long-term.”

"In keeping with Mr. Clark's commitment to the Washington, DC region, the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation believes that this is a time to come together as a community to provide resources to our neighbors,” said Joe Del Guercio, President and CEO of the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation. “The Greater Washington Community Foundation is uniquely positioned to respond to this evolving crisis and address the immediate and long-term needs of the region. We are proud to partner with them on this effort.”

“Right now, our nonprofit partners need flexible resources in order to fill critical gaps and meet increased demand for their services, while they also grapple with their own fundraising and volunteer shortfalls,” said Tonia Wellons, Interim President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “The Community Foundation is committed to addressing both the immediate needs of people in our region and we’re planning for the longer term needs of communities to ensure our region remains strong and resilient.”

“The Wells Fargo Foundation is appreciative of the Greater Washington Community Foundation’s leadership as our region – and the world – faces unprecedented challenge,” said Anna Bard, Senior Vice President and Community Affairs Manager for DMV at Wells Fargo. “We have chosen to provide a $150,000 investment because we trust The Community Foundation to exercise their convening power and work collaboratively to identify the best means of supporting vulnerable members of our community.”

“Thousands of World Bank Group staff and retirees call the Washington, DC region home and they are eager to help their local communities’ response to the COVID-19 virus,” said Lindsey Buss, Senior Officer, Community Outreach at The World Bank. “Through this emergency grant, from staff/retiree donations and World Bank Group matching funds, to The Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, we are happy to be a part of an ongoing and flexible support system for our community and neighbors.”

The Community Foundation will administer grants in cooperation with our local government advisors and philanthropic partners. In order to move resources quickly, funds will be released on a rolling basis throughout the outbreak and recovery phases of this crisis, making it possible to adapt to evolving needs in subsequent funding rounds.

With a mission to Build Thriving Communities, The Community Foundation brings together people and resources to tackle critical community issues and leads community impact initiatives to ensure our region is healthy and thriving. The Community Foundation is best known for establishing and managing the Survivor’s Fund, which from 2001-2008 raised and deployed $25 million in support for emergency services to families and victims of the 9/11 Pentagon attack. In 2008, The Community Foundation also created the Neighbors in Need fund and raised more than $5 million to support local residents hit hardest by the economic crisis. More recently, The Community Foundation’s Resilience Fund helped workers displaced by the partial Federal Government shutdown in January 2019 by funding nonprofits providing emergency cash and food assistance to our neighbors.

More information is available at www.thecommunityfoundation.org/covid-19.

Amazon Donates $1 Million to Washington, DC Region Community Foundations to Kick-Start Emergency COVID-19 Response Funds

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Donation will support the four largest local community foundations serving residents of the Greater Washington region: ACT for Alexandria, Arlington Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, and the Greater Washington Community Foundation – this five-part partnership is strategically positioned to support nonprofits at the frontlines of the region’s Coronavirus response 

Local businesses, community groups, and individuals are encouraged to get involved

Arlington, VA—March 18, 2020 — Amazon has donated $1 million total to kick-start collaborative emergency COVID-19 response funds that will immediately benefit four local community foundations across the Greater Washington region who are working to support vulnerable populations disproportionately impacted amid the coronavirus outbreak. ACT for Alexandria, Arlington Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, and the Greater Washington Community Foundation will each use these funds for grants to nonprofits addressing food insecurity, housing/shelter, and providing emergency financial assistance. This gift will allow each foundation to lean into their unique strengths and community connections to rapidly disperse resources to nonprofits with deep roots in our community and strong experience serving our most vulnerable neighbors.

The donation from Amazon to the four community foundations is coming at a critical time to bolster frontline services and safety net needs across the District, Maryland, and Virginia. The community foundations recognize that the fast-moving crisis will require both immediate action and long-range planning to best serve those most impacted. Amazon’s donation will be distributed to provide imperative flexible resources to organizations working with communities who are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of the outbreak including hourly workers, people experiencing homelessness, and the elderly.

“So many families in our community were already on the financial edge. The need for food, household items and emergency financial assistance is significant,” said Heather Peeler, president and CEO of ACT for Alexandria. “This support enables us to collectively help those who are hardest hit.”

“Our four organizations are working closely together to respond in a nimble way to address the most critical needs facing our neighbors,” said Jennifer Owens, president and CEO of the Arlington Community Foundation. “We know that we are stronger together and hope this gift will inspire others to jump in and do what they can to improve outcomes for our neighbors in need.”

“Amazon’s support allows us to deploy critical resources in response to the urgent health and economic needs of our communities,” said Tonia Wellons, interim president and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “We are specifically targeting resources to low-income communities, hourly wage and gig economy workers, and people of color who will be disproportionately impacted. We also know that people experiencing homelessness and direct service providers face unique health risks that must be addressed.”

“As COVID-19 is a public health issue, our community foundations will seek input from public health officials to understand how philanthropy optimally folds into the greater community response,” said Eileen Ellsworth, president and CEO of Community Foundation for Northern Virginia. “This is also an economic issue, and to the greatest extent possible, we will use this gift to respond to the economic impacts of the virus in our service areas.”

“The Washington, D.C. area is our new home, and we must rally together to support our neighbors during this difficult time for our region and around the world,” said Jay Carney, Amazon SVP, Global Corporate Affairs. “In addition to making sure our Amazon customers can get the essentials they need, we will support our community partners who are doing life-saving work. Amazon’s $1 million donation to these four community groups will provide fast, flexible support to those who need it most and encourage a wave of additional community donations during this unprecedented time.”

“We are just coming to grips with the full scope of the impact of COVID-19 on our community,” said Justin Wilson, Mayor of Alexandria, Virginia. “The human service needs, economic impact and strains on our critical services will be with us long into the future. We have a resilient community and this contribution will help bring our City and our resident back stronger than ever.”

“Arlington welcomes Amazon’s donation to the Arlington Community Foundation,” Arlington County Board Chair Libby Garvey said. “We hope this is the first of many donations by Amazon and our other corporate citizens who recognize the need to partner with County government, and Arlington nonprofits during this public health crisis.”

The funds will be deployed in the District of Columbia, Montgomery and Prince George’s counties in Maryland through the Greater Washington Community Foundation; Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William counties and the cities of Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas and Manassas Park through the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia; the City of Alexandria through ACT for Alexandria; and Arlington County through the Arlington Community Foundation.

Other businesses, community groups, and individuals interested in the COVID-19 response funds can visit: www.thecommunityfoundation.org/covid-19-our-partners/#nova.

As a global company, Amazon is closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19. In addition to those who are affected by the illness, many more are indirectly dealing with changes in their work, school, and community environments. You can read more about how Amazon is supporting customers, their employees, and communities here.

Learn more:

About the Greater Washington Community Foundation

The Greater Washington Community Foundation exists to Build Thriving Communities by guiding strategic philanthropy, providing leadership on critical issues, promoting civic engagement, and inspiring local giving. Founded in 1973, The Community Foundation is a public charity made up of hundreds of charitable giving funds established by generous individuals, families, and businesses. We work with donors and partners to enhance the quality of life in the District of Columbia, Montgomery County, Northern Virginia, and Prince George’s County. As the region’s largest local funder, we manage $350 million in assets and have invested nearly $1.3 billion to build more equitable, just, and enriching communities where all residents can thrive.

Community Foundation Announces COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund

The Community Foundation is coordinating with our peers in philanthropy to rapidly raise and deploy critical resources to nonprofits on the frontlines of responding to the urgent health and economic needs of disproportionately impacted communities in Greater Washington.

Cancelled Event Helps Families in Need

Earlier this week, we made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Celebration of Philanthropy. Despite the event cancellation, we took proactive measures to turn a disappointing situation into something that positively benefits our community. The food and florals for the event were donated to United Communities Against Poverty to provide 500 meals to individuals and families in Prince George's County whose quality of life has been negatively impacted by poverty, unemployment, or homelessness. Our story was featured yesterday as part of WJLA’s (the local ABC7 affiliate) coverage of local coronavirus response efforts.

Celebrating Philanthropy and Civic Spirit

“Every day I’m inspired by [those] who chose to give,” Tonia Wellons, Interim President and CEO of The Community Foundation.

While we regret that the Celebration of Philanthropy was cancelled out of concern for the safety and health of our guests, we still want to celebrate our 2020 Civic Spirit Award honoree, the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation, and the many contributions of our community to help make this region a more vibrant, equitable, and inclusive place to live.

We want to give a special thanks to our sponsors, especially our lead sponsors from Brown Advisory, Morgan Stanley, and the J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation. We are very fortunate to have the support of so many caring individuals and organizations—too many of them for me to name, but you can see the full list on our website. We would also like to recognize the generosity and leadership of our host committee, especially our co-chairs Debbi Jarvis and Neal Simon. Thank you!

“Every day, I’m inspired by the individuals and families in this region who choose to give some of what they have to help those who have less,” said Tonia Wellons, our Interim President and CEO.

One such example of the incredible power of neighbors helping neighbors comes from our 2020 Civic Spirit Award honoree, the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation. Mr. and Mrs. Clark believed in quietly and generously giving back to local organizations serving the community where they lived, worked, and achieved their success.

Now under the leadership of their daughter, Board Chair Courtney Clark Pastrick, and President and CEO Joe Del Guercio, the Foundation continues this philanthropic legacy by investing in building connections between effort and opportunity to help people achieve their greatest ambitions.

Presenting the 2020 Civic Spirit Award to the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation

In prepared introductory remarks, Patty Stonesifer, retired CEO of Martha’s Table, said: “It is not just what the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation is investing in, but [their] values: hard work, integrity, accountability, and humility.”

Watch the video below to learn more about those values, and how they have influenced the Clark Foundation’s investments.


A Thank You from Courtney Clark Pastrick

Courtney Clark Pastrick

Courtney Clark Pastrick

“It is with sincere thanks that we accept the Greater Washington Community Foundation’s 2020 Civic Spirit Award. Although we are not celebrating together in person, my gratitude is not dampened. This award is an incredible honor for me, my family, and the entire team at the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation."

“My parents, Alice and Jim always believed in investing in others and connecting effort with opportunity. For 30 years, I was fortunate to work with my father to help to direct his philanthropic investments in the Washington, DC region as well as for engineering scholarships and veterans support programs across the country. Today we continue this work in his honor. Our investments in the Washington, DC region focus on three areas: maternal and child health and early education, strong schools and community anchors, and college persistence for DC students. We are inspired by the work of our grantee partners and are grateful to the Greater Washington Community Foundation for this honor.”

Supporting Our Community

In addition to honoring the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation with the 2020 Civic Spirit Award, the Celebration raised more than $620,000 to support The Community Foundation’s work to foster more vibrant and healthy communities. A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales will now be dedicated to supporting local emergency response efforts.

We have already started coordinating with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, United Way, and our peers in philanthropy to prepare for our community's response to a potential public health and economic crisis. The Community Foundation has opened and provided seed funding for the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to collect donations that can help with supplies and emergency preparedness activities, and to provide emergency cash or other assistance to nonprofits and community members who may be negatively impacted by major event cancellations, lost wages, decrease in demand for small business services, lack of access to health care, and more. If you would like to make an additional contribution to this effort, please click here.

Delivering food to United Communities Against Poverty

Delivering food to United Communities Against Poverty


Despite the event cancellation, we have taken proactive measures to turn a disappointing situation into something that positively benefits our community. The food and florals for the event have been donated to United Communities Against Poverty to provide 500 meals to individuals and families in Prince George's County whose quality of life has been negatively impacted by poverty, unemployment, or homelessness. We also compensated all workers, volunteers, and nonprofit performers who were relying on this event as a source of income to ensure that our cancellation did not create negative financial impacts for them. 

With a mission to Build Thriving Communities, The Community Foundation continues to bring together people and resources to tackle critical community issues and leads community impact initiatives to ensure the Greater Washington region is a place where all residents can live, work, and thrive.

As the largest funder of nonprofits in the region, The Community Foundation and our donors have invested nearly $1.3 billion to strengthen our community since 1973. Last year alone, we collectively granted more than $64 million to thousands of nonprofit partners, with 73% directly serving the Greater Washington region. This is a testament to the generosity and commitment of our community of givers who chose to focus their giving locally.

How to Get Involved

To all of our sponsors, Host Committee members, and guests, although we do not get to celebrate with you tonight, your continued support and partnership are crucial to building the kind of community that we are all proud to call our home. And that is something worth celebrating!

If you are not already part of our remarkable community of givers, partners, and doers, we invite you to join with us today. You can visit our website or contact Angela Willingham, AVP of Development.

Finding Hope in Resilience

By Melen Hagos, Manager, Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships



the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

As a child of immigrant parents, I understand the difficult journey all too well. I have family members who have navigated the complex immigration system and subsequently went on to live the 'American Dream.'


In the mid-1980s, my parents came to the United States as refugees from Eritrea, a country in East Africa. At the time, they had three little girls; my other five siblings were born here in the US. My father, a teacher who always emphasized education, made sure all eight of us went to college.

My family, like many other immigrant families, came here to seek a better life. A life in which they can work, raise their children, and provide a path forward for future generations.

This is why I have been so disheartened to see immigration being used to divide our communities and alienate some of our most marginalized neighbors. This has made it more difficult for people, just like me and my family, to build a solid foundation in an already complex world.

You might be wondering what, if anything, can we do about it? It’s easy to feel helpless in times like these, but I choose to find hope in the resiliency of our community, especially when caring people come together to help each other out.

It was this vision for resiliency and neighbors helping neighbors that led to the launch of the Resilience Fund in 2017. The Resilience Fund was created by The Community Foundation in partnership with the Meyer Foundation and several donors who were concerned about how federal policy changes and the increasing climate of hate and intolerance would impact our local community.

Over the last three years, we’ve supported nonprofits on the front lines of responding to policy shifts that have had detrimental and, in some cases, long-lasting impact on our local community. Thanks to our dedicated Steering Committee of both individual and institutional donors, we have provided 38 organizations with nearly $1 million in emergency grants to respond to shifts in immigration policy, provided training on legal and civil rights, expanded access to citizenship and democracy, and lead efforts to build community cohesion.

To date, the Fund has raised over $1.3 million dollars and leveraged nearly $700,000 to support nonprofits in the region. And, has served as a mechanism to mobilize compassionate community members to get involved by providing support (gifts ranging in size from $10 to $50,000!) to help our neighbors facing hardship due to the 2019 partial government shutdown.

It wasn’t easy when my family arrived 33 years ago. My parents had to learn a new language and culture, and leave their old lives behind. I haven’t heard them talk about the kind of difficulties I see immigrants facing today, though. We weren’t turned away from communities in the same spirit I see happening today.

For me, this is one of the greatest goods the Resilience Fund offers. I do feel a culture of intolerance and hate directed towards immigrants and people of color, that has reached new depths. We are living in a time that has become so divisive, where dinnertime conversations or friendships can go awry due to differing political views, and where people choose not to vote because they feel like it won’t matter. The Fund can be an opportunity to educate ourselves, and others, on these challenges, and the work that needs to be done to overcome them.

To be most effective, though, we need to hear from you.

What are the most derisive issues impacting our community? Are there ways we can ease policy shifts that are adversely impacting immigrants? As a local nonprofit, you can help inform the conversation by posing ways to address these challenges.

If you have an idea or solution to help our neighbors build resilience or how we can affect change through the Resilience Fund, submit a proposal through our Call for Ideas, by 4 p.m. on March 9. Proposals will be reviewed by the Steering Committee in March and April 2020.

Going forward, we will continue to host open funding rounds, to empower our nonprofit partners to help us identify the most critical issues facing our community. We want to change the narrative by offering resources to affect real change.

Today, my family is settled in Arlington, Virginia. The journey of an immigrant isn’t an easy one—but, with dedication and community support, it doesn’t have to be so difficult. I hope you’ll join me in helping support other’s journeys.


The Resilience Fund welcomes new donors who are interested in serving on the Steering Committee which advises on grant decisions and future fund priorities. If you are interested in joining, please reach out to Melen Hagos at [email protected].

Quarterly Community Update

Dear friends,

Happy new year! I want to take a moment to share how thankful I am for the generosity and continued partnership throughout 2019 and beyond. I am so proud of what we have accomplished together — here are just a few highlights from last year:

  • The Community Foundation joined with Mayor Bowser’s Interagency Council on Homelessness to launch the District’s first-of-its-kind public-private Partnership to End Homelessness.

  • The Children’s Opportunity Fund doubled its impact for a total of $1.2 million invested towards closing the opportunity gap for children and families in Montgomery County.

  • The Workforce Development Collaborative celebrated its 10th anniversary by updating its strategy to focus on eliminating inequities based on race, ethnicity, or gender and providing new career pathways and wealth-building opportunities for local workers.

  • The Resilience Fund mobilized community support for nonprofits providing emergency cash and food assistance to our neighbors during the partial Federal Government shutdown.

Last quarter (October-December 2019), our community of givers collectively awarded nearly $20.4 million in grants to organizations serving the most critical needs of our communities. With your support, The Community Foundation continued its critical work to Build Thriving Communities in the Greater Washington region by awarding new grants from:

  • The Resilience Fund to increase civic engagement, support advocacy on behalf of immigrants and asylum seekers, and expand outreach and services to marginalized communities;

  • The 2020 Count DMV In Census Project to ensure an equitable future for our region through a fair and accurate Census count by supporting education, outreach, and assistance focused on hard-to-count communities; and

  • The Partnership to End Homelessness in the form of “flex funding” to help nonprofits expedite housing placement and increase stabilization for single adults experiencing homelessness.

I hope to see you at our 2020 Celebration of Philanthropy on March 12, where we will recognize the collective effort of our region’s nonprofits, donors, and community leaders who work to make our communities stronger. We are excited to present the 2020 Civic Spirit Award to the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation at the Celebration. Sponsorship packages are available for individuals and businesses — please contact Emily Davis at [email protected].

It is our generous donors who make this all possible! Together, we are building a more vibrant, equitable, and enriching community for all who call the Greater Washington region their home.



Tonia Wellons
Interim President and CEO